Fans United APIs raise an exception for many reasons, such as bad parameters, wrong or expired token, network unavailability. Each exception contains a descriptive message about the error and a standard HTTP response code to indicate the result of an API request. Generally: Codes starting with 2xx indicate success. Codes starting with 4xx indicate cases in which the error seems to have been caused by the client. Codes in the 5xx range indicate that server failed to fulfill a request. The following example response bodies can be returned in case of an error:
400 - Bad Request
The request was unacceptable, often due to missing, wrong or empty parameter.
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "No client found with the given id",
"status": "no_client_found"
401 - Unauthorized
No valid token or api key provided. This response could be returned without a body.
"code": 16,
"message": "Method doesn't allow unregistered callers (callers without established identity). Please use API Key or other form of API consumer identity to call this API.",
"details": [
"@type": "",
"stackEntries": [],
"detail": "service_control"
403 - Forbidden
Provided token doesn't have permissions to perform the request.
"error": {
"code": 403,
"message": "User does not have permissions to set global roles",
"status": "no_permissions_to_set_global_roles"
404 - Not Found
The requested resource doesn't exist.
"error": {
"code": 404,
"message": "No clients found for this user",
"status": "no_clients_found_for_user"
500 - Internal Server Error
Indicates that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
"error": {
"code": 500,
"message": "Failed to delete user",
"status": "failed_to_delete_user"
A list of error statuses
This is a list of all statuses available per API.
- unknown_error
- id_doesnt_exists
- forbidden
- internal_server_error
- invalid_page
- unauthorized
- validation_error
- invalid_sort_order
- invalid_gender
- invalid_url
- service_invocation_error
- client_id_required
- invalid_client_id
- predictor_feature_disabled
Football API
- missing_competition_ids
- invalid_competition_type
- missing_team_ids
- missing_player_ids
- invalid_date_range
- invalid_language
- bad_date_format
- next_match_not_found
- previous_match_not_found
- invalid_status
- invalid_sort_field
- invalid_date_range
ID Mapping API
- invalid_resource_name
- id_required
- record_id_exists
- existing_id_mismatch
- invalid_resource_id
- ids_limit_reached
- invalid_id
- invalid_id_provider
Profile API
- invalid_ids
- user_not_exists
- api_key_not_linked
- empty_profile_ids
- invalid_name
- invalid_avatar
- invalid_country_name
- client_exists
- profile_already_exist
- invalid_interests
- country_not_exists
- type_not_exists
- invalid_profile_id
- nickname_already_taken
- profile_not_found_or_deleted
- error_deleting_profile
Prediction API
- invalid_prediction_data
- invalid_game_data
- game_not_found
- predicton_not_found
- invalid_game_status
- predictions_cutoff
- predictions_schedule_time
- game_instance_id
- invalid_game_instance_id
- invalid_match_id
- cannot_update_open_game
- match_not_found
- query_not_allowed
- max_match_ids_allowed
- game_not_finished
- predictions_are_being_processed_now
Loyalty API
- invalid_date
- invalid_timespan
- invalid_match_ids
- template_not_found
- activity_not_found
- tiers_not_found
- invalid_competitions_id
- invalid_teams_ids
- invalid_players_id
- invalid_games_id
- loyalty_disabled
- invalid_action
- invalid_json
- invalid_user_id
- invalid_content
- invalid_campaign
- invalid_market
- invalid_type
- invalid_success_rates
- invalid_points
- invalid_overall_percent
- invalid_competition_percents
- invalid_market_percents
- invalid_team_percents
- statistics_error
- invalid_related_template_ids
Reporting API
- invalid_group_by
- invalid_date
- competition_not_found
- missing_entity_id