JUMP TOOverviewGetting Started with the APIsErrors and error handlingMetadataFootball APICountriesGet countriesgetCompetitionsGet competitions.getGet most followed competitionsgetGet competition by IDgetTeamsGet teamsgetGet most followed teamsgetGet team by IDgetPlayersGet playersgetGet players points for a specified templategetGet player positions for matches in a specified templategetGet most followed playersgetGet player by IDgetGet detailed player points for a specified templategetMatchesGet matchesgetGet player match statisticsgetGet matches by templategetGet match by IDgetGet player's next matchgetGet player's last matchgetGet team's next matchgetGet team's last matchgetSearchSearchgetID Mapping APIFootballGet football ID mappingsgetCreate football ID mapping.postGet missing football IDs for a providergetGet top entitiesgetUpdate ID mappingpatchSummaryGet ID mapping summarygetProfile APICountriesGet countriesgetFollowersFollow profilespostUnfollow profilesdeleteGet your own followersgetGet Follow Status for Specific ProfilesgetGet the profiles you are followinggetGet user's followersgetGet the profiles a user is followinggetLeadsGet all leadsgetCreate a new leadpostExport leadsgetGet lead statisticsgetGet lead by IDgetProfilesGet your own profilegetDelete own profiledeleteUpdate your own profilepatchGet user profilesgetGet profile by IDgetDelete user profile by iddeleteUpdate user profile verified and/or staff member statuspostProfiles DetailedGet user profiles with details.getBadge ResourceGet user's own badgesgetGet user's badgesgetPrediction APIGamesGet games getCreate a new game postGet game by ID getUpdate game patchGet match outcomes for a game getGet predictions for a game getGet game leaderboard getCustom BracketsGet list of custom bracket games. getCreate custom bracket game. postGet custom bracket game by id. getUpdate an existing custom bracket game by id. putGet predictions for a custom bracket gamegetCreate a new prediction for a custom bracket game postUpdate a prediction for a custom bracket gameputGet custom bracket game rankings by id. getPredictionsGet user's own predictions getCreate new prediction postGet predictions by ids getGet aggregated prediction results for a match getGet prediction's user data getGet user's predictions getGet prediction by id getDelete prediction deleteUpdate prediction patchWinners ResourceGets the list of winners for a particular contest (game or template)getUpdates the list of winners for a particular contest (game or template)putSets the list of winners for a particular contest (game or template)postAnnounce the winners for a particular contest (game or template).postCustom StandingsGet list of custom standing games. getCreate custom standings game. postGet predictions for a custom standing gamegetCreate a new prediction for a custom standing game postUpdate a prediction for a custom standing gameputGet custom standing game rankings by id. getGet custom standings game by id. getUpdate an existing custom standings game by id. putLoyalty APIRanksGet leaderboard for a gamegetGet all leaderboards for usergetGet leaderboard for a templategetGet gameweek statistics for a template.getActivityGet own activitiesgetCreate new activitypostDelete activitydeleteGet user's activitiesgetExcludedExclude profile ids from specific gameputPointsReward user with external pointspostPrivate LeagueUser rankings for user for private leagues.getUser rankings for private league.getRank DetailedGet detailed user game ranksgetGet detailed user template ranksgetTopGet best predictors.getStatisticsGet own tiers and pointsgetGet user's tiers and pointsgetEngagement CoefficientsGet all of the engagement coefficients for a particular profile.getFollows statisticsGet follows breakdown for specified entity listgetTemplatesList templatesgetCreate templatepostGet template by idgetUpdate templateputDelete templatedeleteContest ResourceExecutes a check if all profiles has predictions for a particular contest (game or template)getReporting APIUsersGet acquired usersgetGet users per countrygetMonthly active usersgetMonthly active users vs registrationsgetUsers in RFM groupsgetUsers in RFM segmentsgetGet total users for a periodgetClassic QuizzesGet Classic Quizzes participationsgetGet most participated Classic QuizzesgetClientsGet platform averagesgetGet platform acquired usersgetGet platform total users for period.getDiscussionsAverage number of posts.get% of users with at least 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 posts.getTop 100 contributors.getTop 100 discussions.getBreakdown of total number of discussions per period of time.getBreakdown of total number of posts per period of time.getEither/OrGet Either/Or participationsgetGet most participated Either/Or gamesgetExport usersExport users based on criteria.postFollowsGet average follows per usergetGet top 20 followed competitionsgetGet user breakdown for a competitiongetGet follows breakdown for specified entity listgetGet top 100 followed football playersgetGet user breakdown for a playergetGet top 100 followed teamsgetGet user breakdown for a teamgetGet user breakdown for a profilegetGet top followed sportsgetGet user breakdown for a sportgetGet top followed 50 usersgetMetricsGet platform consumptiongetGet platform consumptiongetParticipationsUser breakdown for game.getCount users by country for game.getCount users by engagement for game.getCount users by gender for game.getCount new players ratio for game.getPlayer of the matchGet 'Player of the match' count of users who voted and total votesgetPredictionsCounts predictions for markets per period.getEngagement through predictions.getCounts predictions per entity.getCounts predictions per match.getCounts total predictions for markets.getPrivate league usersUser stats for private leagues.getPrivate leaguesGet total number of private leagues for a period of time.getPrivate league top templatesTop 20 templates with most private leagues.getMarketsGet success rates for all markets and overall percentage.getEntityGet success rates for entity.getMini-Games APIClassic QuizzesGet a list of classic quizzesgetCreate classic quizpostMigrate rank for a classic quizpostUser's own participations in classic quizzesgetRanking for classic quizzesgetGet user rankinggetGet a classic quizgetUpdate classic quizputDelete classic quizdeleteParticipate in a classic quizpostGet classic quiz question reports.getUpdate a classic quiz question report.postResults summary.getGet a classic quiz by staff membergetEither/OrGet a list of Either/Or gamesgetCreate Either/Or trivia gamepostGet Either/Or trivia gamegetUpdate Either/Or trivia gameputDelete Either/Or trivia gamedeleteGet own statistics for Either/Or gamegetParticipate in Either/OrpostGet results for Either/Or gamegetGet an Either/Or game by staff membergetDiscussions APIDiscussionsGet discussionsgetCreate a discussionpostGet a list of posts count per discussion IDgetGet top discussionsgetRetrieve the user's active ban and ban history.getBan user from specified discussionpostGet discussiongetDelete a discussiondeletePostsUnpin postsdeletePin postspatchGet posts for discussiongetCreate a postpostReported postsgetGet user's own postsgetGet all posts for all discussions by staff member.getReported postsgetGet user's postsgetGet a single postgetUpdate a postputDelete a postdeleteModerate a postpostModerate a postpostReact to a postputGet post repliesgetReport a postpostModerationBulk moderation for posts by user id, discussion id or post idspostDiscussion ResourceGet posts count from many discussionspostPrivate Leagues APILeaguesGet leaguesgetCreate leaguepostGet leaguegetUpdate leagueputDelete leaguedeleteUpdate league templatepostMembershipAccept invite for private leaguepostBan users from private leaguepost Show league invitesgetInvite users to private leaguepostDelete invites from private leaguedeleteJoin private league with invitation codepostLeave private leaguepostRemove ban of users from private leaguepostPredictionsPredictionsGet predictionsgetVoting APIPollsGet poll listgetCreate pollpostGet user's votesgetGet pollgetUpdate pollputDelete polldeleteGet user's poll votegetVote for a pollputDelete poll's votesdeletePlayer of the matchGet user's own votes for 'Player of the match'.getGet results for 'Player of the match'getVote for 'Player of the match'putDelete vote for 'Player of the match'deletePowered by Delete polldelete https://voting.fansunitedapi.com/v1/polls/{poll_id}Delete a poll Authentication: Staff member's JWT.