Voting operations

Voting operations are responsible for communicating with Voting API.

The namespace is of course called voting. All methods return promises. The general design of the namespace follows this pattern unless stated otherwise:


General call:
  .then((response) => {
    // Handle response
  .catch((error) => {
    // Handle error

The responses are comprised of different objects you can find here.

Polls related operations

Get polls

Method: getPolls(filters?, disableCache?)


Method returns list of Polls.

No authentication required.

The response from API is cached for 1 hour. With disableCache argument you can avoid cached response.

Filters object:

  • status: string. Options include: "ACTIVE" and "INACTIVE"
  • flags: array. A list of flags who are set to the polls.
  • limit: number . How many polls will be returned in list.
  • startAfter: string . The ID after which the polls should be listed. To be used in the context of infinite scroll/pagination.
  • entityIds: string[]. A list of entity ids who are set in Polls context.
  • entityType: string. The entity type can be 'competition', 'team' or 'player'.
  • minVotes: number. The minimum number of votes that the poll has.
  • sortOrder: string. The result can be sort by created at field in ascending and descending order. Accepted values are:
    • asc
    • desc
  • language: string . Language code in format ISO 639-1 standard. The language that the poll support. Keep in mind that the language codes CAN ONLY BE in format ISO 639-1. Reference

Important notes:

entityType is required when entityIds filter is provided and in SDK configuration the idSchema is different than native. This is because JS SDK needs to know what type the entity ids are to be able to remap them internally.

If no value is provided for filters, then no filters will be aplied.


Example call:
  .then((response) => {
    // Handle response
  .catch((error) => {
    // Handle error

const filters = {
  limit: 1,
  startAfter: "5nhifBwMffT8QOkG6jKBM1",
  flags: ["poll"],
  status: "ACTIVE",
  sortOrder: "asc"
  .then((response) => {
    // Handle response
  .catch((error) => {
    // Handle error

Example result

   meta: {
      pagination: {
         nextPageStartsAfter: null,
         itemsPerPage: 1
   data: [
         id: "CkuDxfuv3YUJlcGWbZR0",
         title: "Premier League knowledge!",
         alternativeTitle: "Premier League",
         description: "Who holds the record for most goals in Premier League?",
         type: "Premier League",
         images: {
           main: "",
           cover: "",
           mobile: ""
         status: "ACTIVE",
         language: "fr-be",
         totalVotes: 2,
         flags: [
         customFields: {
           custom: "field"
         labels: {
           new: "label"
         adContent: "Ad conent",
         context: {
            content: {
              id: "",
              label: "",
              type: ""
            tags: [
                id: "fb:c:3",
                type: "competition",
                source: "football"
            campaign: {
              id: "",
              label: ""
         options: [
               id: "6nHCuOipXJXoO5PJRsjE3b",
               title: "Harry Kane",
               description: "Some description",
               images: {
                 main: "",
                 cover: "",
                 mobile: ""
               votes: 0
               id: "453hwHfkpB2OokFQonnYSt",
               title: "Alan Shearer",
               description: "Some description",
               images: {
                 main: "",
                 cover: "",
                 mobile: ""
               votes: 2
         branding: BrandingModel,
         embedCode: null,
         createdAt: "2024-05-14T14:41:46.012",
         updatedAt: "2024-05-14T14:46:28.075"

Get poll by ID

Method: getPollById(pollId, disableCache?)


Method returns poll by ID.

No authentication required.

The response from API is cached for 1 hour. With disableCache argument you can avoid cached response.


Example call:
  .then((response) => {
    // Handle response
  .catch((error) => {
    // Handle error

Example result

   id: "CkuDxfuv3YUJlcGWbZR0",
   title: "Premier League knowledge!",
   alternativeTitle: "Premier League",
   description: "Who holds the record for most goals in Premier League?",
   type: null,
   images: null,
   status: "ACTIVE",
   language: "fr-be",
   totalVotes: 2,
   flags: [
   customFields: null,
   labels: null,
   adContent: "Ad conent",
   rules: "Some rules",
   context: {
      content: null,
      tags: [],
      campaign: null
   options: [
         id: "6nHCuOipXJXoO5PJRsjE3b",
         title: "Harry Kane",
         description: null,
         images: null,
         votes: 0
         id: "453hwHfkpB2OokFQonnYSt",
         title: "Alan Shearer",
         description: null,
         images: null,
         votes: 2
   branding: BrandingModel,
   embedCode: null,
   createdAt: "2024-05-14T14:41:46Z",
   updatedAt: "2024-05-14T14:46:28Z"

Vote in Poll

Method: voteForPoll(pollId, optionId)

Method creates a user vote for specific poll.

Authentication required.


Example call:
  .voteForPoll("CkuDxfuv3YUJlcGWbZR0", "6nHCuOipXJXoO5PJRsjE3b")
  .then((response) => {
    // Handle response
  .catch((error) => {
    // Throws error message

Example result

   id: "453hwHfkpB2OokFQonnYSt",
   pollId: "CkuDxfuv3YUJlcGWbZR0",
   optionId: "6nHCuOipXJXoO5PJRsjE3b",
   userId: "Y44CxUzkpHdypYxcVVlwIQiLNtD2"

Delete vote in Poll

Method: deleteVoteForPoll(pollId)

Method deletes a user vote for specific poll.

Authentication required.


Example call:
  .then((response) => {
    // Handle response
  .catch((error) => {
    // Throws error message

Example result


Get user own vote for single poll

Method: getMyPollVote(pollId, showModels?)

Method returns user's own vote for specific poll.

Authentication required.

When showModels is set to true, then the response will contain models for poll and option.


Example call:
  .then((response) => {
    // Handle response
  .catch((error) => {
    // Throws error message

Example result

   id: "u6h0rEbRFIcoNnkBkycs",
   pollId: "CkuDxfuv3YUJlcGWbZR0",
   optionId: "6nHCuOipXJXoO5PJRsjE3b",
   userId: "Y44CxUzkpHdypYxcVVlwIQiLNtD2",
   pollModel: PollBasicModel, // null when showModels is false
   optionModel: PollOptionModel //null when showModels is false

Get user own votes for polls

Method: getMyPollsVotes(filters?)

Method returns user's own votes for polls.

Filters object:

  • limit: number . How many votes for polls will be returned in list.
  • startAfter: string . The ID after which the votes for polls should be listed. To be used in the context of infinite scroll/pagination.

Authentication required.


Example call:
  .then((response) => {
    // Handle response
  .catch((error) => {
    // Throws error message

Example result

   meta: {
      pagination: {
         nextPageStartsAfter: null,
         itemsPerPage: 1
   data: [
         id: "u6h0rEbRFIcoNnkBkycs",
         pollId: "CkuDxfuv3YUJlcGWbZR0",
         optionId: "6nHCuOipXJXoO5PJRsjE3b",
         userId: "Y44CxUzkpHdypYxcVVlwIQiLNtD2",
         pollModel: PollBasicModel,
         optionModel: PollOptionModel

Player of the match (PoTM) related operations

Vote for PoTM

Method: voteForPlayerOfTheMatch(matchId, playerId)

Method creates user vote for PoTM.

Authentication required.


Example call:
  .voteForPlayerOfTheMatch("fb:m:123", "fb:p:123")
  .then((response) => {
    // Handle response
  .catch((error) => {
    // Throws error message

Example result

  playerId: "fb:p:123"

Delete vote for PoTM

Method: deleteVoteForPlayerOfTheMatch(matchId)

Method deletes user vote for PoTM.

Authentication required.


Example call:
  .then((response) => {
    // Handle response
  .catch((error) => {
    // Throws error message

Example result


Fetch user's own votes for PoTM

Method: getOwnVotesForPlayerOfTheMatch(filters?)


Method retrieves ALL own user's votes for PoTM.

Authentication required.

Filters object:

  • limit: number . How many user votes will be returned in list.
  • startAfter: string . The ID after which the polls should be listed. To be used in the context of infinite scroll/pagination.
  • matchIds: string[]. Filter's out votes by match IDs.


Example call:

const filters = { 
  matchIds: ["fb:m:123"],
  limit: 1,
  startAfter: "fb:m:321"
  .then((response) => {
    // Handle response
  .catch((error) => {
    // Throws error message

Example result

  meta: {
    pagination: {
      itemsPerPage: 1,
      nextPageStartsAfter: "fb:m:435" // can be null
  data: [
      matchId: "fb:m:123",
      matchModel: MatchBasicModel, // can be null
      playerId: "fb:p:123",
      playerModel: PlayerBasicModel, // can be null
      createdAt: "2024-05-14T14:41:46Z"

Fetch results for PoTM

Method: getResultsForPlayerOfTheMatch(matchId, disableCache?)


Method retrieves results for PoTM.

No authentication required.

The response from API is cached for 10 minutes. With disableCache argument you can avoid cached response.


Example call:
  .then((response) => {
    // Handle response
  .catch((error) => {
    // Throws error message

Example result

  meta: {
    total: 1
  data: [
      teamId: "fb:t:123",
      teamModel: TeamBasicModel, // can be null
      playerId: "fb:p:123",
      playerModel: PlayerBasicModel, // can be null
      votes: 123,
      winner: true