Loyalty operations
Get the configuration for all platform interactions
Loyalty operations are responsible for communicating with multiple APIs.
The namespace is of course called loyalty. All methods return promises. The general design of the namespace follows this pattern unless stated otherwise:
General call:
sdk.loyalty.someMethod(filtersObject).then((responseObject) => { // do something with responseObject });
The responses are comprised of different objects you can find here.
General operations
Get config
Method: getConfig()
This method returns all points configuration for all platform interactions.
Example call:
sdk.loyalty.getConfig().then((responseObject) => { // do something with responseObject });
Example result
enabled: true,
conditions: {
list: [
actions: {
value: [
id: "LIKE",
weight: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "DISLIKE",
weight: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "CLICK_AD",
weight: 7,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "COMMENT",
weight: 5,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 2,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "CONVERT",
weight: 10,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "PAGE_VIEW",
weight: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "SHARE",
weight: 4,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 2,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 2,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 5,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
rewards: {
points: {
general: [
id: "registration",
points: 0
id: "add_interest",
points: 0
id: "add_birthdate",
points: 0
id: "add_country",
points: 0
id: "add_gender",
points: 0
id: "add_avatar",
points: 0
comments: [],
predictor: [
id: "FT_1X2",
points: 10,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "HT_1X2",
points: 8,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "HT_FT",
points: 36,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 50,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 3,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 6,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 9,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 23,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 45,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 17,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 8,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 40,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 25,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 17,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_GOALS_0_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_GOALS_1_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_GOALS_2_5",
points: 8,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_GOALS_3_5",
points: 7,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_GOALS_4_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_GOALS_5_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_GOALS_6_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_CORNERS_6_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_CORNERS_7_5",
points: 13,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_CORNERS_8_5",
points: 15,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_CORNERS_9_5",
points: 13,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_CORNERS_10_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_CORNERS_11_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_CORNERS_12_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_CORNERS_13_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 37,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
activity: [
id: "LIKE",
points: 0,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "DISLIKE",
points: 0,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "COMMENT",
points: 0,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "SHARE",
points: 0,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
topX: [
id: "FT_1X2",
points: 10,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 50,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
matchQuiz: [
id: "FT_1X2",
points: 10,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "HT_1X2",
points: 8,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "HT_FT",
points: 36,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 50,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 3,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 6,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 9,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 23,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 45,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 17,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 8,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 40,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 25,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 17,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_GOALS_0_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_GOALS_1_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_GOALS_2_5",
points: 8,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_GOALS_3_5",
points: 7,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_GOALS_4_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_GOALS_5_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_GOALS_6_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_CORNERS_6_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_CORNERS_7_5",
points: 13,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_CORNERS_8_5",
points: 15,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_CORNERS_9_5",
points: 13,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_CORNERS_10_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_CORNERS_11_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_CORNERS_12_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "OVER_CORNERS_13_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
points: 37,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
discussionPost: [
id: "CREATE",
points: 0,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {},
points: -1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {},
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {},
points: -1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {},
points: 2,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {},
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {},
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {},
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {},
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {},
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {},
tiers: [
enabled: true,
id: "diamond",
label: "Diamond",
points: 75000
enabled: true,
id: "platinum",
label: "Platinum",
points: 25000
enabled: true,
id: "gold",
label: "Gold",
points: 10000
enabled: true,
id: "silver",
label: "Silver",
points: 1500
enabled: true,
id: "bronze",
label: "Bronze",
points: 0
badges: {
general: [],
predictor: [
requirements: {
points: null,
entityId: null,
entityType: null,
gameParticipationCount: null,
predictionsMade: null,
correctPredictions: 10
id: "predictor_newbie",
label: "Predictor newbie",
assets: {
mainImageUrl: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image/media/File:Image_created_with_a_mobile_phone.pngg
enabled: true
requirements: {
points: null,
entityId: null,
entityType: null,
gameParticipationCount: null,
predictionsMade: null,
correctPredictions: 100
id: "predictor_top",
label: "Predictor top",
assets: null,
enabled: true
requirements: {
points: null,
entityId: null,
entityType: null,
gameParticipationCount: null,
predictionsMade: null,
correctPredictions: 1000
id: "predictor_scorer",
label: "Predictor scorer",
assets: null,
enabled: true
requirements: {
points: null,
entityId: null,
entityType: null,
gameParticipationCount: null,
predictionsMade: null,
correctPredictions: 5000
id: "predictor_guru",
label: "Predictor guru",
assets: null,
enabled: true
requirements: {
points: null,
entityId: null,
entityType: null,
gameParticipationCount: null,
predictionsMade: null,
correctPredictions: 10000
id: "predictor_legend",
label: "Predictor legend",
assets: null,
enabled: true
topX: [
requirements: {
points: null,
entityId: null,
entityType: null,
gameParticipationCount: 1,
predictionsMade: null,
correctPredictions: null
id: "topx_newbie",
label: "Top x newbie",
assets: {
mainImageUrl: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image/media/File:Image_created_with_a_mobile_phone.pngg
enabled: true
requirements: {
points: null,
entityId: null,
entityType: null,
gameParticipationCount: 10,
predictionsMade: null,
correctPredictions: null
id: "topx_regular",
label: "Top x regular",
assets: null,
enabled: true
requirements: {
points: null,
entityId: null,
entityType: null,
gameParticipationCount: 50,
predictionsMade: null,
correctPredictions: null
id: "topx_captain",
label: "Top x captain",
assets: null,
enabled: true
matchQuiz: [
requirements: {
points: null,
entityId: null,
entityType: null,
gameParticipationCount: 1,
predictionsMade: null,
correctPredictions: null
id: "matchquiz_newbie",
label: "Match Quiz newbie",
assets: {
mainImageUrl: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image/media/File:Image_created_with_a_mobile_phone.pngg
enabled: true
requirements: {
points: null,
entityId: null,
entityType: null,
gameParticipationCount: 10,
predictionsMade: null,
correctPredictions: null
id: "matchquiz_regular",
label: "Match quiz regular",
assets: null,
enabled: true
requirements: {
points: null,
entityId: null,
entityType: null,
gameParticipationCount: 50,
predictionsMade: null,
correctPredictions: null
id: "matchquiz_captain",
label: "Match quiz captain",
assets: null,
enabled: true
Get config VERSION 2
Method: getConfigV2(disableCache?)
This method returns loyalty configuration with new badges structure.
The response from API is cached for 1 hour. With disableCache
argument you can avoid cached response.
If no value is provided it will be set to false by default.
Example call:
sdk.loyalty.getConfigV2().then((responseObject) => { // do something with responseObject });
Example result
enabled: true,
clientId: "productiontesting1",
conditions: {
list: [
actions: {
value: [
id: "LIKE",
weight: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "DISLIKE",
weight: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "CLICK_AD",
weight: 7,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "COMMENT",
weight: 5,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 2,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "CONVERT",
weight: 10,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "PAGE_VIEW",
weight: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "SHARE",
weight: 4,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 2,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 2,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 5,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 3,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 3,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 5,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 3,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 3,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "POLL_VOTE",
weight: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "ADD_POST",
weight: 5,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 10,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 3,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 0,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 5,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
weight: 5,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
id: "POTM_VOTE",
weight: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: []
rewards: {
points: {
general: [
id: "registration",
points: 0
id: "add_interest",
points: 0
id: "add_birthdate",
points: 0
id: "add_country",
points: 0
id: "add_gender",
points: 0
id: "add_avatar",
points: 0
predictor: [
id: "FT_1X2",
points: 10,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "HT_1X2",
points: 8,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "HT_FT",
points: 30,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 50,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 30,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 50,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {
points: 3,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 6,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 9,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 23,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 45,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 17,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 8,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 40,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 25,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 17,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_GOALS_0_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_GOALS_1_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_GOALS_2_5",
points: 8,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_GOALS_3_5",
points: 7,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_GOALS_4_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_GOALS_5_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_GOALS_6_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_CORNERS_6_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_CORNERS_7_5",
points: 13,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_CORNERS_8_5",
points: 15,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_CORNERS_9_5",
points: 13,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_CORNERS_10_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_CORNERS_11_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_CORNERS_12_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_CORNERS_13_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 37,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
activity: [
id: "LIKE",
points: 0,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "DISLIKE",
points: 0,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "COMMENT",
points: 0,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "SHARE",
points: 0,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
topX: [
id: "FT_1X2",
points: 10,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 50,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 50,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {
matchQuiz: [
id: "FT_1X2",
points: 10,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "HT_1X2",
points: 8,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "HT_FT",
points: 36,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 50,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 21,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 50,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {
points: 3,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 6,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 9,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 23,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 45,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 17,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 8,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 40,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 9,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 6,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_GOALS_0_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_GOALS_1_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_GOALS_2_5",
points: 8,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_GOALS_3_5",
points: 7,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_GOALS_4_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_GOALS_5_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_GOALS_6_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_CORNERS_6_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_CORNERS_7_5",
points: 13,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_CORNERS_8_5",
points: 15,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_CORNERS_9_5",
points: 13,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_CORNERS_10_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_CORNERS_11_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_CORNERS_12_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
id: "OVER_CORNERS_13_5",
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 37,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
discussionPost: [
id: "CREATE",
points: 0,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: -1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: -1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 2,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
points: 1,
multiplier: 1,
conditions: [],
alternative: {}
tiers: [
enabled: true,
id: "diamond",
points: 75000,
label: "Диамант"
enabled: true,
id: "platinum",
points: 25000,
label: "Платина"
enabled: true,
id: "gold",
points: 10000,
label: "Злато"
enabled: true,
id: "silver",
points: 1500,
label: "Сребро"
enabled: true,
id: "bronze",
points: 0,
label: "Бронз"
badges: {
predictor: [
assets: null,
requirements: {
correctPredictions: null,
points: 0
id: "ucl_maniac",
enabled: true,
label: "ШЛ Маняк",
description: "",
flags: []
assets: null,
requirements: {
correctPredictions: 10,
points: 100
id: "predictor_newbie",
enabled: true,
label: "Дебютант",
description: "",
flags: []
assets: null,
requirements: {
correctPredictions: 100,
points: 0
id: "predictor_top",
enabled: true,
label: "Майстор",
description: "",
flags: []
assets: null,
requirements: {
correctPredictions: 1000,
points: 0
id: "predictor_scorer",
enabled: true,
label: "Топ Реализатор",
description: "",
flags: []
assets: null,
requirements: {
correctPredictions: 5000,
points: 0
id: "predictor_guru",
enabled: true,
label: "Гуру",
description: "",
flags: []
topX: [
assets: null,
requirements: {
points: 0
id: "topx_newbie",
enabled: true,
label: "Топ 7 Дебютант",
description: "",
flags: []
assets: null,
requirements: {
points: 0
id: "topx_regular",
enabled: true,
label: "Топ 7 Титуляр",
description: "",
flags: []
assets: null,
requirements: {
points: 0
id: "topx_captain",
enabled: true,
label: "Топ 7 Капитан",
description: "",
flags: []
matchQuiz: [
assets: null,
requirements: {
points: 0
id: "matchquiz_newbie",
enabled: true,
label: "Дебютант",
description: "",
flags: []
assets: null,
requirements: {
points: 0
id: "matchquiz_regular",
enabled: true,
label: "Титуляр",
description: "",
flags: []
assets: null,
requirements: {
points: 0
id: "matchquiz_captain",
enabled: true,
label: "Капитан",
description: "",
flags: []
games: [],
football: [],
classicQuizzes: [],
eitherOr: [],
discussions: [],
voting: {
potm: [],
poll: []
Get available badges
Method: getClientBadges()
Methods returns all available badges for client.
Example call:
sdk.loyalty.getClientBadges().then((responseObject) => { // do something with responseObject });
Example result
general: [],
predictor: [
topX: [
matchQuiz: [
Get available badges VERSION 2
Method: getClientBadgesV2()
Methods returns all available badges for client.
The response from API is cached for 1 hour. With disableCache
argument you can avoid cached response.
If no value is provided it will be set to false by default.
Example call:
sdk.loyalty.getClientBadgesV2().then((responseObject) => { // do something with responseObject });
Example result
predictor: [
topX: [
matchQuiz: [
games: [],
football: [],
classicQuizzes: [],
eitherOr: [],
discussions: [],
potm: [],
poll: []
Templates and leaderboards operations
Get all templates
Method: getTemplates(filters?, disableCache?)
Methods retuns list of all created templates for specific client.
Available options for filters:
- flags:
. Templates flags. - status:
. Templates' status. Can be PENDING, LIVE, SETTLED. - type:
. Templates' types. Can be PRIMARY, CUSTOM, GAME, PROFILE. - activeFrom:
. Templates who are before or equal to template'stoDate
property. . - activeTo:
. Templates who are after or equal to template'stoDate
property. - createdFrom:
. Templates who are after or equal to template'screatedAt
property. - createdTo:
. Templates who are before or equal to template'screatedAt
property. - updatedFrom:
. Templates who are after or equal to template'supdatedAt
property. - updatedTo:
. Templates who are before or equal to template'supdatedAt
The response from API is cached for 1 hour. With disableCache
argument you can avoid cached response.
If no value is provided it will be set to false by default.
Example call:
sdk.loyalty.getTemplates(true).then((responseObject) => { // Handle response });
Example result
meta: {
totalItems: 3
data: [
id: "competition:premier-league",
name: "Premier League (England)'s Leaderboard",
description: "Some description",
type: "PRIMARY",
fromDate: "2022-07-01",
toDate: "2023-06-30",
markets: null,
teamIds: null,
matchIds: null,
gameIds: null,
gameTypes: null,
competitionIds: [
groups: [
label: "Week 31",
filters: {
fromDate: "2024-04-02",
toDate: "2024-04-04",
matchIds: [
groupId: "week_31"
rules: "Rules for participating in template.",
flags: ["This", "is", "string", "array"],
images: {
main: "some-photo-url",
cover: "some-photo-url",
mobile: "some-photo-url"
excludedProfileIds: null,
labels: {
label: "label"
customFields: {
custom: "fields"
related: [
entityId: "team:leicester-city",
entityType: "TEMPLATE"
branding: BrandingModel,
createdAt: "2023-03-01T10:10:50Z",
updatedAt: "2023-03-01T10:10:50Z"
id: "market:ft-1x2",
name: "Championship (England)'s Leaderboard",
description: "Some description",
type: "PRIMARY",
fromDate: "2022-07-01",
toDate: "2023-06-30",
markets: [
teamIds: null,
matchIds: null,
gameIds: null,
gameTypes: null,
competitionIds: null,
groups: null,
rules: "Rules for participating in template.",
flags: ["This", "is", "string", "array"],
images: {
main: "some-photo-url",
cover: "some-photo-url",
mobile: "some-photo-url"
excludedProfileIds: ["some-profile-id"],
related: null,
branding: BrandingModel,
createdAt: "2023-03-01T10:10:50Z",
updatedAt: "2023-03-01T10:10:50Z"
id: "team:leicester-city",
name: "Leicester City's Leaderboard",
type: "PRIMARY",
fromDate: "2022-07-01",
toDate: "2023-06-30",
markets: null,
teamIds: [
matchIds: null,
gameIds: null,
gameTypes: null,
competitionIds: null,
groups: null,
rules: 'Rules for participating in template.',
flags: ['This', 'is', 'string', 'array'],
images: {
main: "some-photo-url",
cover: "some-photo-url",
mobile: "some-photo-url"
excludedProfileIds: ["profile-id-1", "profile-id-2"],
related: [
entityId: "competition:premier-league",
entityType: "TEMPLATE"
branding: BrandingModel,
createdAt: "2023-03-01T10:10:50Z",
updatedAt: "2023-03-01T10:10:50Z"
Get single template
Method: getTemplateById(templateId, disableCache?)
Methods returns specified template.
The response from API is cached for 10 minutes. With disableCache
argument you can avoid cached response.
If no value is provided it will be set to false by default.
Example call:
sdk.loyalty.getTemplateById("competition:premier-league", true) .then((responseObject) => { // Handle response }) .catch((error) => { // Throws error message )};
Example result
id: "competition:premier-league",
name: "Premier League (England)'s Leaderboard",
description: "Best league in the world",
type: "PRIMARY",
fromDate: "2022-07-01",
toDate: "2023-06-30",
markets: null,
teamIds: null,
matchIds: null,
gameIds: null,
gameTypes: null,
competitionIds: [
label: "Week 31",
filters: {
fromDate: "2024-04-02",
toDate: "2024-04-04",
groupId: "week_31"
rules: 'Rules for participating in template.',
flags: ['This', 'is', 'string', 'array'],
excludedProfileIds: ["profile-id-1", "profile-id-2"],
related: [
entityId: "team:leicester-city",
entityType: "TEMPLATE"
labels: {
new: "new",
label_: "label_",
field3: "new label 3"
customFields: {
new: "new",
custom_: "custom_",
field3: "new custom field 3"
branding: BrandingModel,
createdAt: "2023-03-01T10:10:50Z",
updatedAt: "2023-03-01T10:10:50Z"
Get template winners
Method: getTemplateWinners(templateId)
Method returns winners for the specific template.
Example call:
sdk.loyalty.getTemplateWinners("templateId").then((responseObject) => { // Returns winners for the specific template });
Example response:
contestId: "2neVcxhVwZw3eCy7Xt5LiV",
contestType: "TEMPLATE",
contestModel: TemplateModel,
description: "description",
userList: [
position: "big winner",
profileId: "profileId",
profileModel: ProfileModel,
note: "The winner",
tags: [
Get leaderboard for a template
Method: getLeaderboard(templateId, filters?, disableCache?)
Returns a leaderboard for specific template. Supports pagination.
Available options for filters:
- groupId:
. Filter the template's standings by template's group ID. - limit:
. How many leaderboards will be returned in list. - page:
. The number of the page.
The response from API is cached for 1 hour. With disableCache
argument you can avoid cached response.
If no value is provided it will be set to false by default.
Example call:
const filters = { groupId: "group_1", limit: 2, page: 2 } sdk.loyalty.getLeaderboard("competition:premier-league", filters).then((responseObject) => { // Handle response });
Example response:
meta: {
rankType: "COMPETITION",
fromDate: "2022-07-01",
toDate: "2023-06-30",
pagination: {
currentPage: 2,
itemsPerPage: 2,
totalItems: 10,
numberOfPages: 5
data: [
position: 1,
profileId: "GSGUDDW5xVNSo7I0ujVbsNBoeMz2",
profileModel: ProfileModel,
points: 30,
predictionsMade: 3
position: 2,
profileId: "Y44CxUzkpHdypYxcVVlwIQiLNtD2",
profileModel: ProfileModel,
points: 20,
predictionsMade: 2
Get leaderboard for a game
Method: getLeaderboardForGame(gameId, filters?, disableCache?)
Returns a leaderboard for specific game. Supports pagination.
Available options for filters:
- limit:
. How many leaderboards will be returned in list. - page:
. The number of the page.
The response from API is cached for 1 hour. With disableCache
argument you can avoid cached response.
If no value is provided it will be set to false by default.
Example call:
const filters = { limit: 2, page: 2 } sdk.loyalty.getLeaderboardForGame("3xtM4jU7jaXe82KnxrTKaJ", filters).then((responseObject) => { // Handle response });
Example result
meta: {
rankType: "GAME",
fromDate: null,
toDate: null,
pagination: {
currentPage: 2,
itemsPerPage: 2,
totalItems: 10,
numberOfPages: 5
data: [
position: 1,
profileId: "GSGUDDW5xVNSo7I0ujVbsNBoeMz2",
profileModel: ProfileModel,
points: 30,
predictionsMade: 3
position: 2,
profileId: "Y44CxUzkpHdypYxcVVlwIQiLNtD2",
profileModel: ProfileModel,
points: 20,
predictionsMade: 2
Get leaderboard for a league
Method: getLeaderboardForLeague(leagueId, filters?)
Returns a leaderboard for specific league. Supports pagination.
Available options for filters:
- limit:
. How many leaderboards will be returned in list. - page:
. The number of the page. - templateId:
. You can filter the leaderboard of league by template ID.
Example call:
const filters = { limit: 2, page: 2, templateId: "template-id" } sdk.loyalty.getLeaderboardForLeague("3xtM4jU7jaXe82KnxrTKaJ", filters).then((responseObject) => { // Handle response });
Example result
meta: {
templateId: "template-id",
privateLeagueId: "3xtM4jU7jaXe82KnxrTKaJ",
fromDate: null,
toDate: null,
pagination: {
currentPage: 2,
itemsPerPage: 2,
totalItems: 10,
numberOfPages: 5
data: [
position: 1,
profileId: "GSGUDDW5xVNSo7I0ujVbsNBoeMz2",
profileModel: ProfileModel,
points: 30,
predictionsMade: 3
position: 2,
profileId: "Y44CxUzkpHdypYxcVVlwIQiLNtD2",
profileModel: ProfileModel,
points: 20,
predictionsMade: 2
Get match models for specific template
Method: getTemplateMatches(templateId, groupId?, disableCache?)
Returns a list of matches for the specified template.
When groupId
paramater is not provided, then the method will return all models for all entities that are specified in the template (competitions, teams and matches) with the from date and to date.
When groupId
paramater is provided, then the method will return the matches only in the specific group.
The response from API is cached for 1 hour. With disableCache
argument you can avoid cached response.
If no value is provided it will be set to false by default.
Example call:
sdk.loyalty.getTemplateMatches("3Tv70DrdNKNVOuvAEHtVLV").then((responseObject) => { // Handle response });
Example result
id: "fb:m:158704",
kickoffAt: "2024-04-02T18:30:00Z",
finishedAt: null,
updatedAt: "2024-04-01T11:36:08Z",
availableMarkets: [
homeTeam: {
id: "fb:t:8103",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1522",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ENG",
assets: {
flag: "https://football.fansunitedassets.com/country/3a930dd8-8e19-11eb-b60d-42010a84003b.png"
name: "England"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: "https://football.fansunitedassets.com/team/7fda2846-54ec-40f3-a988-12905c4eb075.png"
name: "Newcastle United",
code: "NEW",
national: false,
fullName: null,
shortName: null
awayTeam: {
id: "fb:t:896",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1522",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ENG",
assets: {
flag: "https://football.fansunitedassets.com/country/3a930dd8-8e19-11eb-b60d-42010a84003b.png"
name: "England"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: "https://football.fansunitedassets.com/team/d737bd7f-eb2a-4f60-a498-2f3757ce5ca2.png"
name: "Everton",
code: "EVE",
national: false,
fullName: null,
shortName: null
isDeleted: false,
lineupsConfirmed: false,
startedAt: null,
minute: null,
scores: {
ftScore: {
homeGoals: null,
awayGoals: null
htScore: {
homeGoals: null,
awayGoals: null
aetScore: {
homeGoals: null,
awayGoals: null
aggScore: {
homeGoals: null,
awayGoals: null
penScore: {
homeGoals: null,
awayGoals: null
context: {
competition: {
id: "fb:c:3",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1522",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ENG",
assets: {
flag: "https://football.fansunitedassets.com/country/3a930dd8-8e19-11eb-b60d-42010a84003b.png"
name: "England"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: "https://football.fansunitedassets.com/competition/42108c2a-8c4e-11eb-aff3-42010a8400d1.png"
type: "league",
name: "Premier League"
status: {
type: "notstarted",
subType: "not_started"
User rankings
Get user own rankings
Method: getOwnRankings(filters?, disableCache?)
Methods returns user's own rankings.
Filters options:
- limit:
. How mani rankings will be returned from API. By default it will return 10 items per page. - page:
. Which page to be returned. By default is first page. - sortOder:
. Union type'asc' | 'desc'
. By default the order is desc (comes from descending). - type:
. Union type'game' | 'template'
. By default the response will contaion both types. - leaderboardIds:
. List of strings. The response will contain only provided game or template ids.
The response from API is cached for 1 hour. With disableCache
argument you can avoid cached response.
If no value is provided it will be set to false by default.
Example call:
const filters = { limit: 2, page: 2, sortOrder: 'asc', type: 'game' }; const disableCache = true; sdk.loyalty.getOwnRankings(filters, disableCache).then((responseObject) => { // Handle response });
Example result
meta: {
pagination: {
currentPage: 2,
itemsPerPage: 2,
totalItems: 12,
numberOfPages: 2
data: [
id: "1Tvag5OuxUnOgqRr4MGWAQ",
rankType: "GAME",
position: 1,
points: 60
id: "2qzP5Ahc6uKiuNL2OU5or",
rankType: "GAME",
position: 2,
points: 40
Get user rankings
Method: getUserRankings(userId, filters?, disableCache?)
Methods returns user's rankings.
Filters options:
- limit:
. How mani rankings will be returned from API. By default it will return 10 items per page. - page:
. Which page to be returned. By default is first page. - sortOder:
. Union type'asc' | 'desc'
. By default the order is desc (comes from descending). - type:
. Union type'game' | 'template'
. By default the response will contaion both types. - leaderboardIds:
. List of strings. The response will contain only provided game or template ids.
The response from API is cached for 1 hour. With disableCache
argument you can avoid cached response.
If no value is provided it will be set to false by default.
Example call:
const filters = { limit: 2, page: 2, sortOrder: 'asc', type: 'game' }; const disableCache = true; sdk.loyalty.getOwnRankings("user-id", filters, disableCache).then((responseObject) => { // Handle response });
meta: {
pagination: {
currentPage: 2,
itemsPerPage: 2,
totalItems: 12,
numberOfPages: 2
data: [
id: "1Tvag5OuxUnOgqRr4MGWAQ",
rankType: "GAME",
position: 1,
points: 60
id: "2qzP5Ahc6uKiuNL2OU5or",
rankType: "GAME",
position: 2,
points: 40
Get highest success rate
Method: getHighestSuccessRate(filters?, disableCache?)
Method returns first 100 users with highest success rate who have placed at least 100 predictions.
Optional argument filters
is type HighestSuccessRateFilters and when provided, JS SDK will return first 100 users with highest success rate for the provided filters.
The response from API is cached for 8 hours. With disableCache
argument you can avoid cached response.
If no value is provided it will be set to false by default.
Example call:
sdk.loyalty.getHighestSuccessRate().then((responseObject) => { // Returns 100 users who have placed at least 100 predictions across all markets }); const filters = { market: "CORRECT_SCORE" }; sdk.loyalty.getHighestSuccessRate(filters).then((responseObject) => { // Returns 100 users who have placed at least 100 predictions for CORRECT_SCORE market });
position: 1,
points: 1412,
predictionsMade: 325,
profileId: "BRLWNsotfsRdmA0EHq0GzkjeRRD2",
profileModel: ProfileModel,
successRatePercent: 46
position: 2,
points: 1002,
predictionsMade: 218,
profileId: "GSGUDDW5xVNSo7I0ujVbsNBoeMz2",
profileModel: ProfileModel,
successRatePercent: 33
Get entities follows
Method: getEntitiesFollows(filters, disableCache?)
Method returns count of users who have followed/favourited provided entities from filters param.
Argument filters
is type EntitiesFollowsFilters and it's required. However there is limitation how many ids per entity you can provide - the maximum is 24. If provided more than 24, JS SDK will throw an exception.
The response from API is cached for 10 minutes. With disableCache
argument you can avoid cached response.
If no value is provided it will be set to false by default.
Example call:
const filters = { footballCompetitions: ["fb:c:3"], footballTeams: ["fb:t:889"], footballPlayers: ["fb:p:49123"] }; sdk.loyalty.getEntitiesFollows(filters).then((responseObject) => { // Returns entities (id and models) and their users follows count per client. });
breakdown: [
id: "fb:c:3",
count: 6,
model: CompetitionBasicModel
id: "fb:t:889",
count: 6,
model: TeamBasicModel
id: "fb:p:49123",
count: 6,
model: PlayerBasicModel
total: 18
Updated 7 days ago