Football operations
Fetch football data from the Fans United Football API
Football operations are responsible for communicating with the Football API.
Each method also converts your IDs to the desired ID provider for easier and quicker development.
Depending on the language set in your SDK configuration, the names in the responses will be returned in the corresponding language, if supported.
If a particular name is not translated, the language falls back to English.
The namespace is of course called football. All methods return promises. The general design of the namespace follows this pattern: => {
// do something with responseObject
The responses are comprised of different objects you can find here.
Player related methods
Get players
Method: getPlayers({}, disableCache?)
This method is used when you want to fetch a list of players based on different criteria. You can use it to fetch football
players from a country or a team, you can fetch specific players by ID or make a general search. You can scope your search
and get ordered paginated results.
If no value is passed to disableCache (undefined) it will be set to false.
Filters object:
- countryId: string. Limits the players to the specified country
- scope: string[]. A list of competition IDs. Limits the result set to players only in those competitions.
- name: string. The value in this field will be used for search purposes.
- playerIds: string[]. An array of player IDs. Returns all specified players.
- limit: number. Determines how many items per page there will be.
- page: number. The number of the page.
- sortField: string. Determines the field used for the sorting.
- sortOrder: string. Determines the sort order - asc or desc => {
// do something with responseObject
Example result
meta: {
pagination: {
currentPage: 1,
itemsPerPage: 1,
totalItems: 257697,
numberOfPages: 12885
data: [
id: "fb:p:43400",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:3135",
alias: null,
countryCode: "PRT",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "Portugal"
birthDate: "1985-02-05",
firstName: "Cristiano Ronaldo",
lastName: "dos Santos Aveiro",
name: "Cristiano Ronaldo",
position: "forward",
assets: {
headshot: ""
teams: [
id: "fb:t:8102",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1522",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ENG",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "England"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
name: "Manchester United",
code: "MNU",
national: false,
fullName: null,
shortName: null
id: "fb:t:81651",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:3135",
alias: null,
countryCode: "PRT",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "Portugal"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
name: "Portugal",
code: "POR",
national: true,
fullName: null,
shortName: null
Get player by ID
Method: getPlayerById(ID, disableCache?)
This method returns data for a particular player identified by ID string parameter. Besides the player data, the method
also returns the teams the player plays for as well as the competitions these teams (respectively the player) participates in.
If no value is passed to disableCache (undefined) it will be set to false."fb:p:43400").then((responseObject) => {
// do something with responseObject
Example result
id: "fb:p:43400",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:3135",
alias: null,
countryCode: "PRT",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "Portugal"
birthDate: "1985-02-05",
firstName: "Cristiano Ronaldo",
lastName: "dos Santos Aveiro",
name: "Cristiano Ronaldo",
position: "forward",
assets: {
headshot: ""
competitions: [
id: "fb:c:76",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1522",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ENG",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "England"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
type: "cup",
name: "EFL Cup"
id: "fb:c:3",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1522",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ENG",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "England"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
type: "league",
name: "Premier League"
id: "fb:c:75",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1522",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ENG",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "England"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
type: "cup",
name: "FA Cup"
id: "fb:c:29",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1221",
alias: null,
countryCode: "INT",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "International"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: null
type: "cup",
name: "Friendlies"
id: "fb:c:37",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1221",
alias: null,
countryCode: "INT",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "International"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
type: null,
name: "European Championship"
id: "fb:c:27",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1221",
alias: null,
countryCode: "INT",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "International"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
type: null,
name: "Champions League"
teams: [
id: "fb:t:8102",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1522",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ENG",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "England"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
name: "Manchester United",
code: "MNU",
national: false,
fullName: null,
shortName: null
id: "fb:t:81651",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:3135",
alias: null,
countryCode: "PRT",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "Portugal"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
name: "Portugal",
code: "POR",
national: true,
fullName: null,
shortName: null
Get top players
Method: getTopPlayers(disableCache?)
This method returns the top players for a particular client. The top players are determined based on the follow counts by the users.
If there isn't enough data, the top European players are returned as default.
If no value is passed to disableCache (undefined) it will be set to false. => {
// do something with responseObject
Example result
id: "fb:p:43400",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:3135",
alias: null,
countryCode: "PRT",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "Portugal"
birthDate: "1985-02-05",
firstName: "Cristiano Ronaldo",
lastName: "dos Santos Aveiro",
name: "Cristiano Ronaldo",
position: "forward",
assets: {
headshot: ""
id: "fb:p:43399",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:552",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ARG",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "Argentina"
birthDate: "1987-06-24",
firstName: "Lionel Andrés",
lastName: "Messi Cuccittini",
name: "Lionel Messi",
position: "forward",
assets: {
headshot: ""
Team related methods
Get teams
Method: getTeams({}, disableCache?)
This method is used when you want to fetch a list of teams based on different criteria. You can use it to fetch football
teams from a country or by gender, you can fetch specific teams by ID or make a general search. You can scope your search
and get ordered paginated results.
If no value is passed to disableCache (undefined) it will be set to false.
Filters object:
- name: string. The value in this field will be used for search purposes.
- countryId: string. Limits the teams to the specified country
- national: boolean. Determines whether the teams should be national or clubs
- gender: string. Options are "male" or "female"
- limit: number. Determines how many items per page there will be.
- page: number. The number of the page.
- scope: string[]. A list of competition IDs. Limits the result set to teams only in those competitions.
- sortField: string. Determines the field used for the sorting.
- sortOrder: string. Determines the sort order - asc or desc
- teamIds: string[]. An array of team IDs. Returns all specified teams. => {
// do something with responseObject
Example result
meta: {
pagination: {
currentPage: 1,
itemsPerPage: 1,
totalItems: 25153,
numberOfPages: 1258
data: [
id: "fb:t:8102",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1522",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ENG",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "England"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
name: "Manchester United",
code: "MNU",
national: false,
fullName: null,
shortName: null,
isDeleted: false,
undecided: false
Get team by ID
Method: getTeamById(ID, disableCache?)
This method returns data for a particular team identified by ID string parameter. Besides the team data, the method
also returns the competitions this team participates in as well as the squad of players.
If no value is passed to disableCache (undefined) it will be set to false."fb:t:8102").then((responseObject) => {
// do something with responseObject
Example result
id: "fb:t:8102",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1522",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ENG",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "England"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
name: "Manchester United",
colors: {
primary: "#DA291C",
secondary: null,
tertiary: null
competitions: [
id: "fb:c:3",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1522",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ENG",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "England"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
type: "league",
name: "Premier League"
id: "fb:c:27",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1221",
alias: null,
countryCode: "INT",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "International"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
type: null,
name: "Champions League"
code: "MNU",
national: false,
fullName: null,
shortName: null,
isDeleted: false,
undecided: false,
squad: [
id: "fb:p:41601",
startDate: "2011-07-01",
endDate: null,
loan: false,
position: "keeper",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1799",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ESP",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "Spain"
name: "David De Gea",
assets: {
headshot: ""
birthDate: "1990-11-07",
shirtNumber: 1
id: "fb:p:43400",
startDate: "2021-08-31",
endDate: null,
loan: false,
position: "forward",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:3135",
alias: null,
countryCode: "PRT",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "Portugal"
name: "Cristiano Ronaldo",
assets: {
headshot: ""
birthDate: "1985-02-05",
shirtNumber: null
Get top teams
Method: getTopTeams(disableCache?)
This method returns the top teams for a particular client. The top teams are determined based on the follow counts by the users.
If there isn't enough data, the top European teams are returned as default.
If no value is passed to disableCache (undefined) it will be set to false. => {
// do something with responseObject
Example result
id: "fb:t:8204",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1799",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ESP",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "Spain"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
name: "Real Madrid",
code: "RMA",
national: false,
fullName: null,
shortName: null,
isDeleted: false,
undecided: false
id: "fb:t:8205",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1799",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ESP",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "Spain"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
name: "Barcelona",
code: "BAR",
national: false,
fullName: null,
shortName: null,
isDeleted: false,
undecided: false
Get specific team's form
Method: getTeamForm(teamId, filters?, disableCache?)
This method returns the form (match results) for a specified team, with optional filtering and sorting capabilities.
The method fetches and processes the most recent completed matches for a specified team. It supports filtering by competition and customizing the number of matches returned. The matches can be ordered chronologically from left-to-right or right-to-left based on kickoff time.
Filters object:
- competitionId:
string | null
. When provided, filters matches to only include those from the specified competition. - limit:
. Maximum number of matches to return (default: 5, maximum: 50) - direction:
"ltr" | "rtl"
. Determines the chronological order of matches- ltr: (default): Oldest to newest matches, left-to-right
- rtl: Oldest to newest matches, right-to-left
If no value is passed to disableCache (undefined) it will be set to false."fb:t:889", { competitionId: "fb:c:3", limit: 5, direction: "ltr" }).then((responseObject) => {
// do something with responseObject
Example result:
teamId: "fb:t:889",
matches: [
matchModel: MatchBasicModel,
isHomeGame: true,
result: "W"
Competition related methods
Get competitions
Method: getCompetitions({}, disableCache?)
This method is used when you want to fetch a list of competitions based on different criteria. You can use it to fetch football
competitions by country or gender, you can fetch specific competitions by ID or make a general search. You can filter by type
and get ordered results.
If no value is passed to disableCache (undefined) it will be set to false.
Filters object:
- countryId: string. Limits the competitions to the specified country
- name: string. The value in this field will be used for search purposes.
- gender: string. Options are "male" or "female"
- type: string. The type of the competition - league or cup
- sortField: string. Determines the field used for the sorting.
- sortOrder: string. Determines the sort order - asc or desc
- competitionIds: string[]. An array of competition IDs. Returns all specified competitions. => {
// do something with responseObject
Example result
id: "fb:c:3",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1522",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ENG",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "England"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
type: "league",
name: "Premier League"
Get competition by ID
Method: getCompetitionById(ID, disableCache?)
This method returns data for a particular competition identified by ID string parameter. Besides the competition data, the method
also returns the teams that participate in the current season.
If no value is passed to disableCache (undefined) it will be set to false."fb:c:3").then((responseObject) => {
// do something with responseObject
Example result
id: "fb:c:3",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1522",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ENG",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "England"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
type: "league",
name: "Premier League",
participants: [
id: "fb:t:897",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1522",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ENG",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "England"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
name: "Arsenal",
code: "ARS",
national: false,
fullName: null,
shortName: null
Get top competitions
Method: getTopCompetitions(disableCache?)
This method returns the top competitions for a particular client. The top competitions are determined based on the follow counts by the users.
If there isn't enough data, the top competitions are returned as default.
If no value is passed to disableCache (undefined) it will be set to false. => {
// do something with responseObject
Example result
id: "fb:c:3",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1522",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ENG",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "England"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
type: "league",
name: "Premier League"
id: "fb:c:5",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1799",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ESP",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "Spain"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
type: "league",
name: "LaLiga"
Match related methods
Get matches
Method: getMatches({}, disableCache?)
Returns a number of matches based on the specified criteria. The basic match information is available here. For details
such as timelines, starting lineups, etc, you should make call getMatchById().
If no value is passed to disableCache (undefined) it will be set to false.
Filters object:
- countryIds: string[]. An array of country IDs. The result set will be limited to those countries.
- competitionIds: string[]. An array of competition IDs. The result set will be limited to those competitions.
- matchIds: string[]. An array of match IDs. The result set will be limited to those matches.
- status: string. The status of the match. Options are live, upcoming and finished
- teamIds: string[]. An array of team IDs. The result set will be limited to matches between the teams specified.
- fromDate: string. Format: 2020-01-06T08:55:00Z. Search for matches starting (kickoff) from this datetime.
- toDate: string. Format: 2020-01-06T08:55:00Z. Search for matches ending (kickoff) to this datetime.
- limit: number. Determines how many items per page there will be.
- page: number. The number of the page.
- sortField: string. Determines the field used for the sorting. The only possible value is date. With it, the matches will be sorted by their kickoff time.
- sortOrder: string. Determines the sort order - asc or desc{matchIds: ["fb:m:662634"]}).then((responseObject) => {
// do something with responseObject
Example result
meta: {
pagination: {
currentPage: 1,
itemsPerPage: 20,
totalItems: 1,
numberOfPages: 1
data: [
id: "fb:m:662634",
kickoffAt: "2021-10-10T18:45:00Z",
finishedAt: "2021-10-10T20:40:42Z",
updatedAt: "2021-10-12T14:31:12Z",
availableMarkets: ["FT_1X2", "BOTH_TEAMS_SCORE"],
isDeleted: false,
undecided: false,
homeTeam: {
id: "fb:t:81770",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1799",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ESP",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "Spain"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
name: "Spain",
code: "SPA",
national: true,
fullName: null,
shortName: null
awayTeam: {
id: "fb:t:82434",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:2258",
alias: null,
countryCode: "FRA",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "France"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
name: "France",
code: "FRA",
national: true,
fullName: null,
shortName: null
lineupsConfirmed: true,
startedAt: "2021-10-10T19:49:14Z",
minute: null,
scores: {
ftScore: {
homeGoals: 1,
awayGoals: 2
htScore: {
homeGoals: 0,
awayGoals: 0
aetScore: {
homeGoals: null,
awayGoals: null
aggScore: {
homeGoals: null,
awayGoals: null
penScore: {
homeGoals: null,
awayGoals: null
context: {
competition: {
id: "fb:c:553",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1221",
alias: null,
countryCode: "INT",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "International"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
type: "cup",
name: "UEFA Nations League"
status: {
type: "finished",
subType: "finished"
Get match by ID
Method: getMatchById(ID, disableCache?)
Returns the all the match information available for the specified ID. Includes match info, lineups, timeline and statistics.
If no value is passed to disableCache (undefined) it will be set to false."fb:m:721159093").then((responseObject) => {
// do something with responseObject
Example result
id: "fb:m:721159093",
kickoffAt: "2021-12-11T17:30:00Z",
finishedAt: "2021-12-11T19:22:02Z",
updatedAt: "2021-12-15T20:08:30Z",
availableMarkets: ["FT_1X2", "BOTH_TEAMS_SCORE"],
isDeleted: false,
undecided: false,
homeTeam: {
id: "fb:t:8111",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1522",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ENG",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "England"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
name: "Norwich City",
code: "NOR",
national: false,
fullName: null,
shortName: null
awayTeam: {
id: "fb:t:8102",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1522",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ENG",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "England"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
name: "Manchester United",
code: "MNU",
national: false,
fullName: null,
shortName: null
lineupsConfirmed: true,
startedAt: "2021-12-11T18:31:37Z",
minute: null,
scores: {
ftScore: {
homeGoals: 0,
awayGoals: 1
htScore: {
homeGoals: 0,
awayGoals: 0
aetScore: {
homeGoals: null,
awayGoals: null
aggScore: {
homeGoals: null,
awayGoals: null
penScore: {
homeGoals: null,
awayGoals: null
playerStats: [
playerId: "fb:p:15188",
minutesPlayed: 7,
yellowCards: 0,
redCards: 0,
goals: 0,
penaltyGoals: 0,
penaltyCommitted: 0,
penaltyWon: null,
penaltyMissed: 0,
penaltySaved: null,
penaltyReceived: null,
ownGoals: 0,
assists: 0,
cleanSheets: 0,
shots: 0,
shotsOn: 0,
shotsBlocked: null,
offsides: 0,
foulsCommitted: 0,
foulsWon: null,
tackles: null,
tacklesBlocks: null,
tacklesInterceptions: null,
concededGoals: null,
caughtBall: null,
saves: null,
passes: null,
crosses: null,
interceptions: null,
keyPasses: null,
passesAccuracy: null,
duels: null,
duelsWon: null,
dribblesAttempts: null,
dribblesSuccess: null,
dribblesPast: null,
updatedAt: "2024-07-21T18:10:07Z"
stats: {
corners: {
homeTeam: 8,
awayTeam: 6
cornersFirstHalf: {
homeTeam: 4,
awayTeam: 3,
cornersSecondHalf: {
homeTeam: 4,
awayTeam: 3,
cornersExtraTime: {
homeTeam: null,
awayTeam: null,
crosses: {
homeTeam: 26,
awayTeam: 12
crossesFirstHalf: {
homeTeam: 13,
awayTeam: 6
crossesSecondHalf: {
homeTeam: 13
awayTeam: 6,
crossesExtraTime: {
homeTeam: null,
awayTeam: null,
offside: {
homeTeam: 0,
awayTeam: 1
offsideFirstHalf: {
homeTeam: 0,
awayTeam: 0
offsideSecondHalf: {
awayTeam: 1,
offsideExtraTime: {
homeTeam: null,
awayTeam: null,
shotsOn: {
homeTeam: 5,
awayTeam: 5
shotsOnFirstHalf: {
homeTeam: 2,
awayTeam: 2
shotsOnSecondHalf: {
awayTeam: 3,
shotsOnExtraTime: {
homeTeam: null,
awayTeam: null,
throwIn: {
homeTeam: 23,
awayTeam: 17
throwInFirstHalf: {
homeTeam: 11,
awayTeam: 13
throwInSecondHalf: {
awayTeam: 14,
throwInExtraTime: {
homeTeam: null,
awayTeam: null,
redCards: {
homeTeam: 0,
awayTeam: 0
redCardsFirstHalf: {
homeTeam: 0,
awayTeam: 0
redCardsSecondHalf: {
awayTeam: 0,
redCardsExtraTime: {
homeTeam: null,
awayTeam: null,
shotsOff: {
homeTeam: 2,
awayTeam: 5
shotsOffFirstHalf: {
homeTeam: 1,
awayTeam: 2
shotsOffSecondHalf: {
homeTeam: 1,
awayTeam: 3
shotsOffExtraTime: {
homeTeam: null,
awayTeam: null,
goalKicks: {
homeTeam: 6,
awayTeam: 6
goalKicksFirstHalf: {
homeTeam: 3,
awayTeam: 3
goalKicksSecondHalf: {
homeTeam: 3,
awayTeam: 3
goalKicksExtraTime: {
homeTeam: null,
awayTeam: null,
possession: {
homeTeam: 47,
awayTeam: 53
possessionFirstHalf: {
homeTeam: 47,
awayTeam: 53
possessionSecondHalf: {
homeTeam: 47,
awayTeam: 53
possessionExtraTime: {
homeTeam: null,
awayTeam: null,
treatments: {
homeTeam: 7,
awayTeam: 2
treatmentsFirstHalf: {
homeTeam: 3,
awayTeam: 1
treatmentsSecondHalf: {
homeTeam: 3,
awayTeam: 1
treatmentsExtraTime: {
homeTeam: null,
awayTeam: null,
yellowCards: {
homeTeam: 1,
awayTeam: 1
yellowCardsFirstHalf: {
homeTeam: 1,
awayTeam: 1
yellowCardsSecondHalf: {
homeTeam: 0,
awayTeam: 0
yellowCardsExtraTime: {
homeTeam: null,
awayTeam: null,
shotsBlocked: {
homeTeam: 3,
awayTeam: 3
shotsBlockedFirstHalf: {
homeTeam: 1,
awayTeam: 1
shotsBlockedSecondHalf: {
homeTeam: 2,
awayTeam: 2
shotsBlockedExtraTime: {
homeTeam: null,
awayTeam: null,
substitutions: {
homeTeam: 3,
awayTeam: 3
substitutionsFirstHalf: {
homeTeam: 0,
awayTeam: 0
substitutionsSecondHalf: {
homeTeam: 3,
awayTeam: 3
substitutionsExtraTime: {
homeTeam: null,
awayTeam: null,
counterAttacks: {
homeTeam: 0,
awayTeam: 2
counterAttacksFirstHalf: {
homeTeam: 0,
awayTeam: 1
counterAttacksSecondHalf: {
homeTeam: 0,
awayTeam: 1
counterAttacksExtraTime: {
homeTeam: null,
awayTeam: null,
foulsCommitted: {
homeTeam: 6,
awayTeam: 17
foulsCommittedFirstHalf: {
homeTeam: 3,
awayTeam: 8
foulsCommittedSecondHalf: {
homeTeam: 3,
awayTeam: 9
foulsCommittedExtraTime: {
homeTeam: null,
awayTeam: null,
context: {
competition: {
id: "fb:c:3",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1522",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ENG",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "England"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
type: "league",
name: "Premier League"
timeline: [
minute: "21",
type: "substitution",
teamId: "fb:t:8111",
player: {
id: "fb:p:42943",
name: "Grant Hanley",
position: "defender",
assets: {
headshot: ""
type: "substitution",
shirtNumber: 5
relatedPlayer: {
id: "fb:p:473708",
name: "Jacob Lungi Soerensen",
position: "midfielder",
assets: null,
type: "substitution",
shirtNumber: 19
updatedAt: "2021-12-15T20:08:23Z"
minute: "75",
type: "penalty_goal",
teamId: "fb:t:8102",
player: {
id: "fb:p:43400",
name: "Cristiano Ronaldo",
position: "forward",
assets: {
headshot: ""
type: "penalty_goal",
shirtNumber: 7
relatedPlayer: null,
updatedAt: "2021-12-15T20:08:23Z"
minute: "77",
type: "yellow_card",
teamId: "fb:t:8102",
player: {
id: "fb:p:4163542",
name: "Diogo Dalot",
position: "defender",
assets: null,
type: "yellow_card",
shirtNumber: 20
relatedPlayer: null,
updatedAt: "2021-12-15T20:08:23Z"
status: {
type: "finished",
subType: "finished"
lineups: {
homeTeam: {
players: [
id: "fb:p:4212098",
name: "Brandon Williams",
position: "defender",
assets: null,
type: "unknown",
shirtNumber: 21
id: "fb:p:476863",
name: "Mathias Normann",
position: "midfielder",
assets: null,
type: "miss",
shirtNumber: 16
id: "fb:p:42082",
name: "Sam Byram",
position: "defender",
assets: {
headshot: ""
type: "sub",
shirtNumber: 3
id: "fb:p:42380",
name: "Tim Krul",
position: "keeper",
assets: {
headshot: ""
type: "start",
shirtNumber: 1
awayTeam: {
players: [
id: "fb:p:43949",
name: "Raphael Varane",
position: "defender",
assets: {
headshot: ""
type: "miss",
shirtNumber: 19
id: "fb:p:4158170",
name: "Aaron Wan-Bissaka",
position: "defender",
assets: null,
type: "unknown",
shirtNumber: 29
id: "fb:p:41601",
name: "David De Gea",
position: "keeper",
assets: {
headshot: ""
type: "start",
shirtNumber: 1
id: "fb:p:41914",
name: "Eric Bailly",
position: "defender",
assets: {
headshot: ""
type: "sub",
shirtNumber: 3
Get next match for team
Method: getNextMatchForTeam(teamId, disableCache?)
This method is an alias of getMatchById(). However, instead of accepting a match ID, it accepts a team ID and returns
the next match the team is playing.
If no value is passed to disableCache (undefined) it will be set to false."fb:t:8102").then((responseObject) => {
// do something with responseObject
Example result
// See getMatchById(ID)
Get previous match for team
Method: getPrevMatchForTeam(teamId, disableCache?)
This method is an alias of getMatchById(). However, instead of accepting a match ID, it accepts a team ID and returns
the previous match the team is playing.
If no value is passed to disableCache (undefined) it will be set to false."fb:t:8102").then((responseObject) => {
// do something with responseObject
Example result
// See getMatchById(ID)
Get next match for player
Method: getNextMatchForPlayer(playerId, disableCache?)
This method is an alias of getMatchById(). However, instead of accepting a match ID, it accepts a player ID and returns
the next match for any of the teams the player plays for.
If no value is passed to disableCache (undefined) it will be set to false."fb:p:43400").then((responseObject) => {
// do something with responseObject
Example result
// See getMatchById(ID)
Get previous match for player
Method: getPrevMatchForPlayer(playerId, disableCache?)
This method is an alias of getMatchById(). However, instead of accepting a match ID, it accepts a player ID and returns
the previous match for any of the teams the player plays for.
If no value is passed to disableCache (undefined) it will be set to false."fb:p:43400").then((responseObject) => {
// do something with responseObject
Example result
// See getMatchById(ID)
Other methods
Get countries
Method: getCountries(disableCache?)
This method returns all the countries available in the Football API.
If no value is passed to disableCache (undefined) it will be set to false. => {
// do something with responseObject
Example result
id: "fb:cnt:23362",
alias: null,
countryCode: "AFG",
assets: null,
name: "Afghanistan"
id: "fb:cnt:476",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ALB",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "Albania"
id: "fb:cnt:63",
alias: null,
countryCode: "DZA",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "Algeria"
Method: search(query, entities, disableCache?)
This method searches the Football API for football entities with names that match the requested query parameter.
Available parameters:
- query: string
- entities: an array of enum strings. Options are "competitions", "teams", "players"
- scope: an array of ids of all competitions supported by Fans United.
- disableCache: boolean. Default false. Disables cache on the request{query:"Premier", entities: ["competitions", "teams", "players"]}, scope: ["fb:c:3"]).then((responseObject) => {
// do something with responseObject
Example result
teams: [
id: "fb:t:816579",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:952",
alias: "United States",
countryCode: "USA",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "USA"
gender: "male",
assets: null,
name: "Mass Premier Soccer",
code: "MPS",
national: false,
fullName: null,
shortName: null
players: [],
competitions: [
id: "fb:c:3",
country: {
id: "fb:cnt:1522",
alias: null,
countryCode: "ENG",
assets: {
flag: ""
name: "England"
gender: "male",
assets: {
logo: ""
type: "league",
name: "Premier League"
Updated 3 months ago