HT/FT Predictions

Getting started with the Fans United HT/FT Predictions widget

The "HT/FT" widget allows users to predict the outcome of a match on half-time and full-time.
You can use this widget as it is, or you can use the JavaScript SDK to create your own custom implementation.

Widget configuration

The widget accepts the following configuration:

  • data-widget-id: [Required] "widget-ht-ft"
  • data-match-id: [Required] string
  • data-theme: enum["light", "dark"]. Default: "dark"
  • data-language: enum["en", "bg", "ro"]. Default: "en". Overrides the setting in the widget loader config

You can manage the language of your widget by overriding the default labels using the following attributes:

  • data-label-title="Half-time/Full-time outcome?"
  • data-label-votes="##VOTES_COUNT## votes so far"

Call to action options:

  • data-call-to-action-html="Any HTML here to be displayed under the results."


     data-label-votes="##VOTES_COUNT## votes so far"



Dark theme for the widget


Light theme for the widget