SDK Models
A list of all the SDKs of the Fans United platform
The Fans United platform provides multiple SDKs to facilitate the integration by clients. Even though the
SDKs target different platforms, they share models and conventions. This page details all the models used in the SDKs.
General models
The following models are used across namespaces.
All paginated responses are generic type PaginationModel<M>
except for Football and Activity paginated models.
class PaginationModel<M> {
meta: MetaModel = new MetaModel();
data: M[] = [];
class MetaModel {
pagination: MetaProperties = new MetaProperties();
class MetaProperties {
nextPageStartsAfter: string = null;
itemsPerPage: number = null;
Games, Templates, Mini-Games and Polls contain branding property that follows the model:
class BrandingModel {
colors: BrandingColorsModel;
urls: BrandingUrlsModel;
images: BrandingImagesModel;
class BrandingColorsModel {
primaryColor: string;
secondaryColor: string;
contentColor: string;
backgroundColor: string;
borderColor: string;
additionalColor: string;
class BrandingUrlsModel {
primaryUrl: string;
secondaryUrl: string;
privacyPolicyUrl: string;
termsAndConditionsUrl: string;
additionalUrl: string;
class BrandingImagesModel {
mainLogo: string;
mobileLogo: string;
backgroundImage: string;
mobileBackgroundImage: string;
additionalImage: string;
Football models
Meta property for paginated responses in Football and Activity namespace is different than the default one for Fans United SDK.
class MetaFootballModel {
pagination: PaginationFootballProperties = new PaginationFootballProperties();
class PaginationFootballProperties {
currentPage: number = null;
itemsPerPage: number = null;
totalItems: number = null;
numberOfPages: number = null;
Country information about all football related data.
class FootballCountryModel {
id: string = null;
alias: string = null;
countryCode = null;
assets: {} = null;
name: string = null;
Basic Competition
This model is used in competition listings, e.g. array of competitions.
class CompetitionBasicModel {
id: string = '';
country: FootballCountryModel = null;
gender: string = '';
assets: {} = null;
type: string = '';
name: string = '';
Full Competition
This model is used when all the competition info needs to be returned.
class CompetitionFullModel {
id: string = null;
country: FootballCountryModel = null;
gender: string = null;
assets: {} = null;
type: string = null;
name: string = null;
participants: TeamBasicModel[] = [];
Competition Filters
Filters model for getCompetitions endpoint.
class CompetitionFilters {
countryId: string = null;
name: string = null;
gender: string = null;
type: string = null;
sortField: string = null;
sortOrder: string =
competitionIds: string[] = null;
Basic Player
This model is used in player listings, e.g. array of players.
class PlayerBasicModel {
id: string = null;
country: FootballCountryModel = null;
birthDate: string = null;
firstName: string = null;
lastName: string = null;
name: string = null;
position: string = null;
assets: {} = null;
teams: TeamBasicModel[] = [];
isDeleted: boolean = false;
Full Player
This model is used when all the player info needs to be returned.
class PlayerFullModel {
id: string = null;
country: FootballCountryModel = null;
birthDate: string = null;
firstName: string = null;
lastName: string = null;
name: string = null;
position: string = null;
assets: {} = null;
competitions: CompetitionBasicModel[] = [];
teams: TeamBasicModel[] = [];
isDeleted: boolean = false;
Player in Squad
This model is used when player info is returned in squad list.
class PlayerSquadModel {
id: string = null;
startDate: string = null;
endDate: string = null;
shirtNumber: number;
loan: boolean = false;
position: string = null;
country: FootballCountryModel = null;
name: string = null;
assets: {} = null;
birthDate: string = null;
Player in Matches
This model is used when player info is returned in Full Match model.
class PlayerShortModel {
id: string = null;
name: string = null;
position: string = null;
shirtNumber: number = null;
assets: {} = null;
type: string = null;
Player in Top players list
This model is used when player info is returned in Top players list.
class TopPlayerModel {
id: string = null;
country: FootballCountryModel = null;
birthDate: string = null;
firstName: string = null;
lastName: string = null;
name: string = null;
position: string = null;
assets: {} = null;
Player in market correct results
This model is used when player info is returned in markets correct result.
class PlayerMarketResultModel {
id: string = null;
name: string = null;
country: FootballCountryModel = null;
Filters for players
Filters model for getPlayers endpoint.
class PlayerFilters {
countryId: string = null;
scope: string[] = null;
name: string = null;
playerIds: string[] = null;
limit: number = null;
page: number = null;
sortField: string = null;
sortOrder: string = null;
Basic Team
This model is used in team listings, e.g. array of teams, such as competition participants.
class TeamBasicModel {
id: string = null;
country: FootballCountryModel = null;
gender: string = null;
assets: {} = null;
name: string = null;
code: string = null;
national: boolean = false;
fullName: string = null;
shortName: string = null;
isDeleted: boolean = false;
undecided: boolean = false;
Full Team
This model is used when all the team info needs to be returned.
class TeamFullModel {
id: string = null;
country: FootballCountryModel = null;
gender: string = null;
assets: {} = null;
name: string = null;
competitions: CompetitionBasicModel[] = [];
code: string = null;
national: boolean = false;
fullName: string = null;
shortName: string = null;
colors: TeamColors = new TeamColors();
squad: PlayerSquadModel[] = [];
isDeleted: boolean = false;
undecided: boolean = false;
Team colors
class TeamColors {
primary: string = null;
secondary: string = null;
tertiary: string = null;
Filters for teams
Filters model for getTeams endpoint.
class PlayerFilters {
countryId: string = null;
scope: string[] = null;
name: string = null;
playerIds: string[] = null;
limit: number = null;
page: number = null;
sortField: string = null;
sortOrder: string = null;
Basic Match
This model is used in match listings, e.g. array of matches.
class MatchBasicModel {
id: string = null;
kickoffAt: string = null;
finishedAt: string = null;
updatedAt: string = null;
availableMarkets: string[] = null;
homeTeam: TeamBasicModel = null;
awayTeam: TeamBasicModel = null;
lineupsConfirmed: boolean = false;
startedAt: string = null;
minute: string = null;
scores: any = null;
context: { competition: CompetitionBasicModel } = { competition: null };
status: { type: string, subType: string } = { type: null, subType: null};
isDeleted: boolean = false;
Full Match
This model is used when all the match info needs to be returned.
class MatchFullModel {
id: string = null;
kickoffAt: string = null;
finishedAt: string = null;
updatedAt: string = null;
availableMarkets: string[] = null;
homeTeam: TeamBasicModel = null;
awayTeam: TeamBasicModel = null;
lineupsConfirmed: boolean = false;
startedAt: string = null;
minute: string = null;
scores: ScoredModel = null;
playerStats: PlayerStatsModel[] = null;
stats: StatsModel = null;
context: { competition: CompetitionBasicModel } = { competition: null };
timeline: TimelineModel[] = [];
status: { type: string, subType: string } = { type: null, subType: null};
lineups: LineupsModel = null;
isDeleted: boolean = false;
These models are used as sub-objects inside the main Match models.
Timeline model
class TimelineModel {
minute: string = null;
type: string = null;
teamId: string = null;
player: PlayerShortModel = null;
relatedPlayer: PlayerShortModel = null;
updatedAt: string = null;
Stats model
class StatsModel {
corners: StatType = null;
cornersFirstHalf: StatType = null;
cornersSecondHalf: StatType = null;
cornersExtraTime: StatType = null;
crosses: StatType = null;
crossesFirstHalf: StatType = null;
crossesSecondHalf: StatType = null;
crossesExtraTime: StatType = null;
offside: StatType = null;
offsideFirstHalf: StatType = null;
offsideSecondHalf: StatType = null;
offsideExtraTime: StatType = null;
shotsOn: StatType = null;
shotsOnFirstHalf: StatType = null;
shotsOnSecondHalf: StatType = null;
shotsOnExtraTime: StatType = null;
throwIn: StatType = null;
throwInFirstHalf: StatType = null;
throwInSecondHalf: StatType = null;
throwInExtraTime: StatType = null;
redCards: StatType = null;
redCardsFirstHalf: StatType = null;
redCardsSecondHalf: StatType = null;
redCardsExtraTime: StatType = null;
shotsOff: StatType = null;
shotsOffFirstHalf: StatType = null;
shotsOffSecondHalf: StatType = null;
shotsOffExtraTime: StatType = null;
goalKicks: StatType = null;
goalKicksFirstHalf: StatType = null;
goalKicksSecondHalf: StatType = null;
goalKicksExtraTime: StatType = null;
possession: StatType = null;
possessionFirstHalf: StatType = null;
possessionSecondHalf: StatType = null;
possessionExtraTime: StatType = null;
treatments: StatType = null;
treatmentsFirstHalf: StatType = null;
treatmentsSecondHalf: StatType = null;
treatmentsExtraTime: StatType = null;
yellowCards: StatType = null;
yellowCardsFirstHalf: StatType = null;
yellowCardsSecondHalf: StatType = null;
yellowCardsExtraTime: StatType = null;
shotsBlocked: StatType = null;
shotsBlockedFirstHalf: StatType = null;
shotsBlockedSecondHalf: StatType = null;
shotsBlockedExtraTime: StatType = null;
substitutions: StatType = null;
substitutionsFirstHalf: StatType = null;
substitutionsSecondHalf: StatType = null;
substitutionsExtraTime: StatType = null;
counterAttacks: StatType = null;
counterAttacksFirstHalf: StatType = null;
counterAttacksSecondHalf: StatType = null;
counterAttacksExtraTime: StatType = null;
foulsCommitted: StatType = null;
foulsCommittedFirstHalf: StatType = null;
foulsCommittedSecondHalf: StatType = null;
foulsCommittedExtraTime: StatType = null;
Player stats model
class PlayerStatsModel {
playerId: string;
minutesPlayed: number;
yellowCards: number;
redCards: number;
goals: number;
penaltyGoals: number;
penaltyCommitted: number;
penaltyWon: number;
penaltyMissed: number;
penaltySaved: number;
penaltyReceived: number;
ownGoals: number;
assists: number;
cleanSheets: number;
shots: number;
shotsOn: number;
shotsBlocked: number;
offsides: number;
foulsCommitted: number;
foulsWon: number;
tackles: number;
tacklesBlocks: number;
tacklesInterceptions: number;
concededGoals: number;
caughtBall: number;
saves: number;
passes: number;
crosses: number;
interceptions: number;
keyPasses: number;
passesAccuracy: number;
duels: number;
duelsWon: number;
dribblesAttempts: number;
dribblesSuccess: number;
dribblesPast: number;
updatedAt: string;
Scores model
class ScoresModel {
ftScore: ScoresType = null;
htScore: ScoresType = null;
aetScore: ScoresType = null;
aggScore: ScoresType = null;
penScore: ScoresType = null;
Lineups model
class LineupsModel {
homeTeam: { players: PlayerShortModel[] } = { players: [] };
awayTeam: { players: PlayerShortModel[] } = { players: [] };
Scores type
type ScoresType = {
homeGoals: number;
awayGoals: number;
Stats type
type StatType = {
homeTeam: number;
awayTeam: number;
Filters for matches
Filters model for getMatches endpoint.
class MatchFilters {
countryIds: string[] = null;
competitionIds: string[] = null;
matchIds: string[] = null;
status: string = null;
teamIds: string[] = null;
fromDate: string = null;
toDate: string = null;
limit: number = null;
page: number = null;
sortField: string = null;
sortOrder: string = null;
Profile models
This model is used when profile public info is returned.
class ProfileModel {
id: string;
name: string | null;
nickname: string | null;
avatar: string | null;
gender: string | null;
country: ProfileCountryModel | null;
birthDate: string | null;
interests: InterestModel[] | null;
verified: boolean;
anonymous: boolean;
staffMember: boolean;
followingCount: number;
followersCount: number;
Detailed profile
This model is used when profile private info is returned.
class DetailedProfileModel {
id: string;
name: string | null;
email: string;
nickname: string | null;
avatar: string | null;
gender: string | null;
phoneNumber: string | null;
phoneCountryCode: string | null;
country: ProfileCountryModel | null;
birthDate: string | null;
interests: InterestModel[] | null;
verified: boolean;
anonymous: boolean;
staffMember: boolean;
followingCount: number;
followersCount: number;
Raw Interests model
This model is used when interest info is returned.
class InterestModel {
id: string = null;
source: string = null;
type: string = null;
favourite: boolean = null;
Full Interests model
This model is used when interest info is returned.
class FullInterestModel {
id: string = null;
source: string = null;
type: string = null;
favourite: boolean = null;
model: PlayerBasicModel|TeamBasicModel|CompetitionBasicModel = null;
Country model
This models is used when a country is returned anywhere in this namespace.
class ProfileCountryModel {
id: string = null;
name: string = null;
assets: {} = null;
Profile Fullness model
This models is used for showing the fullness of one's profile.
class FullnessProfile {
totalPercentage: number = null;
breakdown: BreakdownModel = null;
class BreakdownModel {
teamFollowed: CompletedModel = null;
teamFavourite: CompletedModel = null;
playerFollowed: CompletedModel = null;
playerFavourite: CompletedModel = null;
competitionFollowed: CompletedModel = null;
competitionFavourite: CompletedModel = null;
addedBirthdate: CompletedModel = null;
addedGender: CompletedModel = null;
addedCountry: CompletedModel = null;
addedAvatar: CompletedModel = null;
class CompletedModel {
completed: boolean = null;
percentage: number = null;
Following & Followers model
This models is used for showing a list of users (followers or following).
class FollowingModel {
avatar: string = null;
followingId: string = null;
name: string = null;
profileId: string = null;
nickname: string = null;
class FollowersModel {
avatar: string = null;
followerId: string = null;
name: string = null;
profileId: string = null;
nickname: string = null;
Filters for Follow
Used as a type of argument filters
for getFollowing and getFollowers methods.
class FollowFilters {
limit: number = null;
startAfter: string = null;
Profile stats model
Model is used to display points, tier and success rates for own or specific users. Related to getStats()
class ProfileStatsModel {
profileId: string;
tier: string;
predictionsMade: number;
points: number;
successRates: SuccessRates = new SuccessRates();
predictions: PredictionsStats = new PredictionsStats();
tiers: AchievementsStats[] = [];
badges: AchievementsStats[] = [];
discussions: DiscussionStats = new DiscussionStats();
classicQuizzes: CLassicQuizzesStats = new CLassicQuizzesStats();
eitherOr: EitherOrStats = new EitherOrStats();
class SuccessRates {
overallPercent: number;
byFootballCompetition: Record<string, SuccessRatePercent>;
byFootballTeam: Record<string, SuccessRatePercent>;
byFootballMarket: Record<string, SuccessRatePercent>;
class SuccessRatePercent {
successRatePercent: number;
class PredictionsStats {
single: SinglePredictionsStats = new SinglePredictionsStats();
topX: GamePredictionsStats = new GamePredictionsStats();
matchQuiz: GamePredictionsStats = new GamePredictionsStats();
class GamePredictionsStats {
participations: number = 0;
points: number = 0;
class SinglePredictionsStats {
predictionsMade: number = 0;
correct: number = 0;
points: number = 0;
breakdown: SummarizedBreakdown = new SummarizedBreakdown();
class SummarizedBreakdown {
footballCompetitions: SinglePredictionsBreakdown[] = [];
footballTeams: SinglePredictionsBreakdown[] = [];
class AchievementsStats {
id: string = "";
achievedAt: string = "";
class DiscussionStats {
totalPoints: number;
postPoints: number;
postsMade: number;
reactionPoints: number;
reactionCount: number;
class CLassicQuizzesStats {
participationCount: number;
points: number;
class EitherOrStats {
participationCount: number;
Lead request model
Related to collectLead()
class LeadRequestBody {
firstName?: string | null;
lastName?: string | null;
fullName?: string | null;
email?: string | null;
gender?: string | null;
country?: string | null;
phoneCountryCode?: string | null;
phoneNumber?: string | null;
campaignId?: string | null;
campaignName?: string | null;
contentType?: string | null;
contentId?: string | null;
contentName?: string | null;
customFields?: Record<string, string> | null;
Lead response model
Related to collectLead()
class LeadModel {
leadId: string;
profileId: string;
firstName: string | null;
lastName: string | null;
fullName: string | null;
email: string | null;
gender: string | null;
country: string | null;
phoneCountryCode: string | null;
phoneNumber: string | null;
campaignId: string | null;
campaignName: string | null;
contentType: string | null;
contentId: string | null;
contentName: string | null;
customFields: Record<string, string> | null;
Predictor models
Match Summary model
This model is used for showing the summary of all predictions for a match.
class MatchSummaryModel {
matchId: string = null;
matchType: string = null;
predictions: PredictionsModel = null;
class PredictionsModel {
fullTimeOneXTwo: any = {};
halfTimeOneXTwo: any = {};
bothTeamsScore: NoYesModel = new NoYesModel();
overZeroPointFiveGoals: NoYesModel = new NoYesModel();
overOnePointFiveGoals: NoYesModel = new NoYesModel();
overTwoPointFiveGoals: NoYesModel = new NoYesModel();
overThreePointFiveGoals: NoYesModel = new NoYesModel();
overFourPointFiveGoals: NoYesModel = new NoYesModel();
overFivePointFiveGoals: NoYesModel = new NoYesModel();
overSixPointFiveGoals: NoYesModel = new NoYesModel();
overSixPointFiveCorners: NoYesModel = new NoYesModel();
overSevenPointFiveCorners: NoYesModel = new NoYesModel();
overEightPointFiveCorners: NoYesModel = new NoYesModel();
overNinePointFiveCorners: NoYesModel = new NoYesModel();
overTenPointFiveCorners: NoYesModel = new NoYesModel();
overElevenPointFiveCorners: NoYesModel = new NoYesModel();
overTwelvePointFiveCorners: NoYesModel = new NoYesModel();
overThirteenPointFiveCorners: NoYesModel = new NoYesModel();
doubleChance: any = {};
halfTimeFullTime: any = {};
playerScore: any = {};
playerYellowCard: any = {};
playerRedCard: any = {};
redCardMatch: NoYesModel = new NoYesModel();
penaltyMatch: NoYesModel = new NoYesModel();
playerScoreFirstGoal: any = {};
cornersMatch: any = {};
correctScore: any = {};
playerScoreHattrick: any = {};
playerScoreTwice: any = {};
class NoYesModel {
no: number = 0;
yes: number = 0;
Prediction model
This model is used for the response data of a prediction
class PredictionResponseModel {
id: string = null;
gameInstanceId: string = null;
wager: number = null;
totalFixtures: number = null;
settledFixtures: number = null;
userId: string = null;
fixtures: FixturesResponseModel[] = null;
status: string = null;
tiebreaker: TiebreakerModel = new TiebreakerModel();
points: number = null;
createdAt: string = null;
updatedAt: string = null;
class FixturesResponseModel {
matchId: string = null;
matchType: string = null;
result: ResultModel = null;
market: MarketEnum = null;
prediction?: string | boolean;
target?: string;
playerId?: string;
goalsHome?: string;
goalsAway?: string;
class ResultModel {
settledAt: string = null;
resettledAt: string = null;
status: string = null;
outcome: OutcomeEnum = null;
points: number = 0;
enum OutcomeEnum {
enum MarketEnum {
FT_1X2 = 'FT_1X2',
HT_1X2 = "HT_1X2",
HT_FT = "HT_FT",
class TiebreakerModel {
goldenGoal: number = null;
Filters for predictions
Used as a type of argument filters
for all user related operations.
class PredictionsFilters {
limit: number;
startAfter: string;
status: StatusEnum[];
type: TypeGames;
matchIds: string[];
gameIds: string[];
enum StatusEnum {
WON = "WON",
type TypeGames = "TOP_X" | "MATCH_QUIZ" | "SINGLE";
Configuration model
This model is used for showing the predictor configuration.
class PredictorConfigModel {
enabled: boolean = false;
fullCoverageCompetitions: string[] = null;
markets: MarketsConfigModel = null;
class MarketsConfigModel {
main: string[] = null;
all: string[] = null;
Top X models
Configuration model
This model is used for showing the top x configuration for client.
class TopXConfigModel {
enabled: boolean = false;
minFixtures: number = null;
maxFixtures: number = null
competitionsWhitelist: string[] = null;
List of games
The response model you receive when you fetch list of Top X games.
class GamesListModel {
id: string;
title: string;
description: string | null;
type: string;
status: string;
authRequirement: "FREE" | "LEAD" | "REGISTERED" | null;
predictionsCutoff: string;
scheduleOpenAt: string | null;
fixtures: FixturesGamesModel[];
participantsCount: number;
related: RelatedEntityRelationship[] | null;
excludedProfileIds: string[] | null;
rules: string | null;
flags: string[] | null;
images: ImagesModel | null;
labels: Record<string, string> | null;
customFields: Record<string, string> | null;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
class RelatedEntityRelationship {
entityId: string;
entityType: RelatedEntityType;
entityRelationship: RelatedEntityRelationshipType;
type RelatedEntityType =
| "game"
| "template"
| "classic_quiz"
| "either_or"
| "match_quiz"
| "top_x"
| "bracket"
| "standing"
| "poll"
| "bracket"
| "standing";
type RelatedEntityRelationshipType =
| "translatedTo"
| "translatedFrom"
| "relatedTo"
| "blocks"
| "blockedBy"
| "nextInSeries"
| "previousInSeries"
| "bonusPointsGame";
class ImagesModel {
main: string | null;
cover: string | null;
mobile: string | null;
class FixturesGamesModel {
matchId: string;
matchType: string;
market: MarketEnum; // See Predictor models for details
matchModel: MatchBasicModel | null; // See Football models for details
matchStatus: MatchStatus | null;
class MatchStatus {
type: string;
subType: string;
The response model you receive when you fetch Top X game by ID.
class GameByIdModel {
id: string;
title: string;
description: string | null;
type: string;
status: string;
authRequirement: "FREE" | "LEAD" | "REGISTERED" | null;
predictionsCutoff: string;
scheduleOpenAt: string | null;
fixtures: FixturesGamesModel[];
participantsCount: number;
related: RelatedEntityRelationship[] | null;
excludedProfileIds: string[] | null;
rules: string | null;
flags: string[] | null;
images: ImagesModel | null;
adContent: string | null;
labels: Record<string, string> | null;
customFields: Record<string, string> | null;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
class RelatedEntityRelationship {
entityId: string;
entityType: RelatedEntityType;
entityRelationship: RelatedEntityRelationshipType;
type RelatedEntityType =
| "game"
| "template"
| "classic_quiz"
| "either_or"
| "match_quiz"
| "top_x"
| "bracket"
| "standing"
| "poll"
| "bracket"
| "standing";
type RelatedEntityRelationshipType =
| "translatedTo"
| "translatedFrom"
| "relatedTo"
| "blocks"
| "blockedBy"
| "nextInSeries"
| "previousInSeries"
| "bonusPointsGame";
class ImagesModel {
main: string | null;
cover: string | null;
mobile: string | null;
class FixturesGamesModel {
matchId: string;
matchType: string;
market: MarketEnum; // See Predictor models for details
matchModel: MatchBasicModel | null; // See Football models for details
matchStatus: MatchStatus | null;
class MatchStatus {
type: string = null;
subType: string = null;
Results for specific game model
When calling getGameResults(gameId)
or getCurrentGameResult(gameId)
method the following model will be returned:
class GameModel {
userId: string = null;
points: number = null;
results: GameResultsModel[] = [];
tiebreaker: TiebreakerModel = null;
class GameResultsModel {
matchId: string = null;
matchModel: MatchBasicModel = null; // See Football models for details
outcome: string = null;
class TiebreakerModel {
goldenGoal: number = null;
Own or user game editions
When calling getMyGameEditions()
or getUserGameEditions(userId)
method the following model will be returned:
class GamesTopXListModel {
id: string;
title: string;
description: string | null;
type: string;
status: string;
outcome: string;
predictionsCutoff: string = null;
authRequirement: "FREE" | "LEAD" | "REGISTERED" | null;
scheduleOpenAt: string | null;
fixtures: FixturesTopXModel[] | null;
tiebreaker: TimeTiebreaker | null;
predictionId: string;
participantsCount: number;
related: RelatedGame[] | null;
excludedProfileIds: string[] | null;
rules: string | null;
flags: string[] | null;
points: number;
images: ImagesModel | null;
predictionTiebreaker: TiebreakerModel | null;
points: number;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
predictionsMadeAt: string;
class RelatedGame {
entityId: string;
entityType: string;
class FixturesTopXModel {
matchId: string;
matchType: string;
market: MarketEnum = MarketEnum.CORRECT_SCORE;
matchModel: MatchBasicModel | null; // See Football models for details
prediction: PredictionTopXModel;
matchStatus: MatchStatus | null;
class MatchStatus {
type: string;
subType: string;
class PredictionTopXModel {
value: string;
result: ResultModel;
class ResultModel {
settledAt: string | null;
resettledAt: string | null;
status: string;
outcome: OutcomeEnum;
points: number;
class MatchStatus {
type: string;
subType: string;
class TimeTiebreaker {
timeTiebreaker: boolean;
class TiebreakerModel {
goldenGoal: number;
enum OutcomeEnum {
Correct results for specific game
class GameMarketsResults {
gameId: string = null;
results: MarketsResults[] = null;
tieBreakers: TieBreakersType = null;
type MarketsResults = {
matchId: string;
market: MarketEnum;
result: string | string[] | boolean;
matchModel: MatchBasicModel;
matchStatus: MatchStatus;
playerModels?: PlayerBasicModel[];
type TieBreakersType = {
goldenGoals: GoldenGoalsType[];
type GoldenGoalsType = {
minute: number;
matchId: string;
matchModel: MatchBasicModel;
playerId: string;
playerModel: PlayerBasicModel;
goalType: string;
Filters for games
Used as a type of argument filters
for most of Top X and Match Quiz methods.
class GamesFilters {
limit: number = null;
startAfter: string = null;
status: GameStatusEnum = null;
type: TypeGames = null;
gameIds: string[] = null;
enum GameStatusEnum {
Match Quiz models
Configuration model
This model is used for showing the match quiz configuration for client.
class MatchQuizConfigModel {
enabled: boolean = false;
defaultMarkets: string[] = null;
competitionsWhitelist: string[] = null;
List of games
The response model you receive when you fetch list of Match Quiz games.
The response model you receive when you fetch Match Quiz game by ID.
Own or user game editions
When calling getMyGameEditions()
or getUserGameEditions(userId)
method the following model will be returned:
class GamesMatchQuizListModel {
id: string;
title: string;
description: string | null;
type: string;
status: string;
authRequirement: "FREE" | "LEAD" | "REGISTERED" | null;
outcome: string;
predictionsCutoff: string;
scheduleOpenAt: string | null;
fixtures: FixturesMatchQuizModel[];
tiebreaker: TimeTiebreaker | null;
predictionId: string;
participantsCount: number;
related: RelatedEntityRelationship[] | null;
excludedProfileIds: string[] | null;
rules: string | null;
flags: string[] | null;
points: number;
images: ImagesModel | null;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
predictionsMadeAt: string;
class RelatedEntityRelationship {
entityId: string;
entityType: RelatedEntityType;
entityRelationship: RelatedEntityRelationshipType;
type RelatedEntityType =
| "game"
| "template"
| "classic_quiz"
| "either_or"
| "match_quiz"
| "top_x"
| "bracket"
| "standing"
| "poll"
| "bracket"
| "standing";
type RelatedEntityRelationshipType =
| "translatedTo"
| "translatedFrom"
| "relatedTo"
| "blocks"
| "blockedBy"
| "nextInSeries"
| "previousInSeries"
| "bonusPointsGame";
class FixturesMatchQuizModel {
matchId: string;
matchType: string;
market: MarketEnum; // See Predictor models for details
matchModel: MatchBasicModel | null; // See Football models for details
prediction: PredictionMatchQuizModel;
matchStatus: MatchStatus;
class MatchStatus {
type: string;
subType: string;
class PredictionMatchQuizModel {
value: any;
target: number | null;
playerId: string | null;
playerModel: PlayerBasicModel | null; // See Football models for details
result: ResultModel;
class ResultModel {
settledAt: string | null;
resettledAt: string | null;
status: string;
outcome: OutcomeEnum;
points: number;
enum OutcomeEnum {
All other models for Match Quiz are the same as Top X models
Loyalty models
Meta key for paginated responses in Loyalty namespace is different than other namespaces.
Meta for Loyalty namespace example:
class LoyaltyMeta {
rankType: string = null;
fromDate: string = null;
toDate: string = null;
pagination: PaginationFootballProperties = new PaginationFootballProperties();
class PaginationFootballProperties {
currentPage: number = null;
itemsPerPage: number = null;
totalItems: number = null;
numberOfPages: number = null;
Configuration model
This model is used for showing the clients configuration.
class ClientFeaturesModel {
enabled: boolean = false;
conditions: {list: string[]} = { list: null };
actions: ActionsModel = new ActionsModel();
rewards: RewardsModel = new RewardsModel();
class ActionsModel {
value: ActionValueModel = new ActionValueModel()
class ActionValueModel {
id: string;
weight: number;
multiplier: number;
conditions: string[];
class RewardsModel {
points: PointsModel = null;
tiers: TiersModel[] = null;
badges: BadgesModel = null;
class PointsModel {
general: Points[] = null;
comments: any[] = null
predictor: PointsValueModel[] = null
activity: PointsValueModel[] = null;
topX: PointsValueModel[] = null;
matchQuiz: PointsValueModel[] = null;
discussionPost: PointsValueModel[] = null;
class PointsValueModel {
id: string;
points: number;
multiplier: number;
conditions: string[];
class Points {
id: string = null;
points: number = null;
class TiersModel {
enabled: boolean = false;
id: string = null;
label: string = null;
points: number = null;
class BadgesModel {
general: GeneralBadgesValue[] = [];
predictor: BadgesValue[] = [];
topX: BadgesValue[] = [];
matchQuiz: BadgesValue[] = [];
class GeneralBadgesValue {
id: string = null;
label: string = null;
assets: BadgeAssets = null;
enabled: boolean = false;
requirements: GeneralRequirementModel = new GeneralRequirementModel();
class BadgesValue {
id: string = null;
enabled: boolean = false;
label: string = null;
assets: BadgeAssets = null;
requirements: RequirementModel = new RequirementModel();
interface BadgeAssets {
mainImageUrl: string;
class GeneralRequirementModel extends RequirementModel {
postPoints: number = null;
postsCount: number = null;
reactionsCount: number = null;
totalDiscussionPoints: number = null;
class RequirementModel {
points: number = 0;
entityId: string = null;
entityType: string = null;
gameParticipationCount: number = null;
predictionsMade: number = null;
correctPredictions: number = null;
Configuration model (V2)
This model is used for showing the clients configuration with version 2 (badges are with new structure)
class LoyaltyConfigModelV2 {
enabled: boolean;
clientId: string;
conditions: {list: string[]};
actions: ActionsModel;
rewards: RewardsModelV2;
class ActionsModel {
value: ActionValueModel = new ActionValueModel()
class ActionValueModel {
id: string;
weight: number;
multiplier: number;
conditions: string[];
class RewardsModelV2 {
points: PointsModel = null;
tiers: TiersModel[] = null;
badges: BadgesModelV2 = null;
class PointsModel {
general: Points[] = null;
comments: any[] = null
predictor: PointsValueModel[] = null
activity: PointsValueModel[] = null;
topX: PointsValueModel[] = null;
matchQuiz: PointsValueModel[] = null;
discussionPost: PointsValueModel[] = null;
class PointsValueModel {
id: string;
points: number;
multiplier: number;
conditions: string[];
class Points {
id: string = null;
points: number = null;
class TiersModel {
enabled: boolean = false;
id: string = null;
label: string = null;
points: number = null;
class BadgesModelV2 {
predictor: PredictorBadgesValue[];
topX: GameBadgesValue[];
matchQuiz: GameBadgesValue[];
games: GamesBadgesValue[];
football: FootballBadgesValue[];
classicQuizzes: MiniGamesBadgesValue[];
eitherOr: MiniGamesBadgesValue[];
discussions: DiscussionsBadgesValue[];
voting: VotingBadgesValue;
class PredictorBadgesValue {
id: string;
label: string;
descritpion: string;
assets: BadgeAssets;
enabled: boolean;
requirements: PredictorBadgeRequirements;
class PredictorBadgeRequirements {
predictionsNumber: number;
correctPredictions: number;
points: number;
fromDate: string;
toDate: string;
class GameBadgesValue {
id: string;
label: string;
descritpion: string;
assets: BadgeAssets;
enabled: boolean;
requirements: GameBadgeRequirements;
class GameBadgeRequirements {
participationCount: number;
points: number;
fromDate: string;
toDate: string;
class GamesBadgesValue {
id: string;
label: string;
descritpion: string;
assets: BadgeAssets;
enabled: boolean;
requirements: GamesBadgeRequirements;
class GamesBadgeRequirements {
participationCount: number;
points: number;
specificGames: ISpecificGames[];
fromDate: string;
toDate: string;
interface ISpecificGames {
gameId: string;
gameType: string;
gameModel: GamesListModel | ClassicQuizzesModel | EitherOrsModel
class FootballBadgesValue {
id: string;
label: string;
descritpion: string;
assets: BadgeAssets;
enabled: boolean;
requirements: FootballBadgeRequirements;
class FootballBadgeRequirements {
predictionsNumber: number;
correctPredictions: number;
points: number;
entityId: string;
entityType: string;
entityModel: any;
class MiniGamesBadgesValue {
id: string;
label: string;
descritpion: string;
assets: BadgeAssets;
enabled: boolean;
requirements: MiniGamesBadgeRequirements;
class MiniGamesBadgeRequirements {
participationCount: number;
fromDate: string;
toDate: string;
class DiscussionsBadgesValue {
id: string;
label: string;
descritpion: string;
assets: BadgeAssets;
enabled: boolean;
requirements: DiscussionsBadgeRequirements;
class DiscussionsBadgeRequirements {
totalDiscussionPoints: number;
postsCount: number;
postPoints: number;
reactionsCount: number;
class VotingBadgesValue {
potm: PotmBadgesValue[];
poll: PollBadgesValue[];
class PotmBadgesValue {
id: string;
label: string;
descritpion: string;
assets: BadgeAssets;
enabled: boolean;
requirements: VotingBadgeRequirements;
class PollBadgesValue {
id: string;
label: string;
descritpion: string;
assets: BadgeAssets;
enabled: boolean;
requirements: VotingBadgeRequirements;
class VotingBadgeRequirements {
points: number;
voteCount: number;
entityId: string;
entityType: string;
entityModel: any;
interface BadgeAssets {
mainImageUrl: string;
Leaderboard model
Leaderboard can be for a specific template or game.
class LeaderboardModel {
position: number = null;
profileId: string = null;
profileModel: ProfileModel = null;
points: number = null;
predictionsMade: number = null;
Templates model
Template can be for game, match, competitions, teams and etc. It is returned when list of templates are received.
class TemplateModel {
id: string = null;
name: string = null;
description: string = null;
type: string = null;
fromDate: string = null;
toDate: string = null;
markets: string[] = [];
teamIds: string[] = [];
matchIds: string[] = [];
groups: TemplateGroups[] = [];
gameIds: string[] = [];
gameTypes: string[] = [];
competitionIds: string[] = [];
rules: string = null;
flags: string[] = null;
images: ImagesModel = null;
related: RelatedEntity[] = null;
labels: Record<string, string> = null;
customFields: Record<string, string> = null;
branding: BrandingModel = null;
createdAt: string = null;
updatedAt: string = null;
class RelatedEntity {
entityId: string = null;
entityType: string = null;
class ImagesModel {
main: string = null;
cover: string = null;
mobile: string = null;
class TemplateGroups {
groupId: string;
label: string;
filters: TemplateGroupFilter;
class TemplateGroupFilter {
fromDate: string = null;
toDate: string = null;
matchIds: string[] = [];
Template By ID model
Template can be for game, match, competitions, teams and etc. It is returned when specific template is called by ID.
class TemplateByIdModel {
id: string = null;
name: string = null;
description: string = null;
type: string = null;
fromDate: string = null;
toDate: string = null;
markets: string[] = [];
teamIds: string[] = [];
matchIds: string[] = [];
groups: TemplateGroups[] = [];
gameIds: string[] = [];
gameTypes: string[] = [];
competitionIds: string[] = [];
rules: string = null;
flags: string[] = null;
images: ImagesModel = null;
related: RelatedEntity[] = null;
labels: Record<string, string> = null;
customFields: Record<string, string> = null;
branding: BrandingModel = null;
createdAt: string = null;
updatedAt: string = null;
class RelatedEntity {
entityId: string = null;
entityType: string = null;
class ImagesModel {
main: string = null;
cover: string = null;
mobile: string = null;
class TemplateGroups {
groupId: string;
label: string;
filters: TemplateGroupFilter;
class TemplateGroupFilter {
fromDate: string = null;
toDate: string = null;
matchIds: string[] = [];
Filters for loyalty operations
Used as a type of argument filters
for getLeaderboard()
and getLeaderboardForGame()
class LoyaltyFilters {
limit: number = null;
page: number = null;
class HighestSuccessRateFilters {
market?: string;
fromDate?: string;
toDate?: string;
usersCount?: number;
minimumPredictions?: number;
Filters for templates
Used as a type of filters
for getTemplates()
class TemplateFilters {
flags?: string;
status?: string;
type?: string;
activeFrom?: string;
activeTo?: string;
createdFrom?: string;
createdTo?: string;
updatedFrom?: string;
updatedTo?: string;
Activity models
Same Meta model as Football.
Activity response
class ActivityResponseBody {
id: string = null;
profileId: string = null;
property: string = null;
value: string = null;
action: string = null;
context: ContextModel = new ContextModel();
points: number = 0;
class ContextModel {
content?: ContentModel = new ContentModel();
tags: TagsModel[] = [];
campaign?: CampaignModel = new CampaignModel();
class ContentModel {
type: string = null;
id: string = null;
label: string = null;
class TagsModel {
id: string = null;
source: string = null;
type: string = null;
class CampaignModel {
id: string = null;
label: string = null;
Filters for Activity operations
Used as a type of filters
for profile activities
class ActivityFilters {
action: ActionsEnum = null;
page: number = null;
limit: number = null;
enum ActionsEnum {
LIKE = "like",
DISLIKE = "dislike",
PAGE_VIEW = "page_view",
CONTENT_CONSUMED = "content_consumed",
SHARE = "share",
COMMENT = "comment",
CLICK_AD = "click_ad",
CONVERSION = "conversion",
PREDICTION_MADE = "prediction_made",
CONVERT = "convert",
MANAGE_INTERESTS = "manage_interests",
GAME_PARTICIPATION = "game_participation",
ARTICLE_CONSUMED = "article_consumed",
VIDEO_CONSUMED = "video_consumed",
SHORT_VIDEO_CONSUMED = "short_video_consumed",
LONG_VIDEO_CONSUMED = "long_video_consumed",
AUDIO_CONSUMED = "audio_consumed",
GALLERY_CONSUMED = "gallery_consumed",
IMAGE_CONSUMED = "image_consumed",
POLL_PARTICIPATION = "poll_participation"
enum UserActionsEnum {
LIKE = "like",
DISLIKE = "dislike",
SHARE = "share",
COMMENT = "comment",
PREDICTION_MADE = "prediction_made"
Filters for Rankings operations
Used as a type of filters
for profile rankings
class RankingsFilters {
limit?: number = null;
page?: number = null;
sortOrder?: SortOrder = null;
type?: RankingsType = null;
leaderboardIds?: string[] = null;
type SortOrder = "asc" | "desc";
type RankingsType = "game" | "template";
Entities follows model
class EntitiesFollows {
count: number = 0;
breakdown: EntitiesFollowsBreakdown[] = [];
interface EntitiesFollowsBreakdown {
id: string;
model: CompetitionBasicModel | TeamBasicModel | PlayerBasicModel;
count: number;
Filters for Entity follows
Used as a type of filters
for entity follows
class EntitiesFollowsFilters {
footballCompetitions?: string[];
footballTeams?: string[];
footballPlayers?: string[];
Discussions models
Discussion model
type DiscussionType = "LEAGUE" | "COMMENT_SECTION";
type ModerationType = "USER" | "STAFF";
export default class DiscussionModel {
id: string;
label: string;
discussionType: DiscussionType;
moderationType: ModerationType;
postsCount: number;
pinnedPosts: string[];
lastPostId: string;
status: string;
customFields: Record<string, string>;
context: ContextModel;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
Discussion posts count model
class PostsCountDiscussionModel {
id: string;
postsCount: number;
Posts for specific discussion basic model (meta and data)
class PostsDiscussionBasicModel {
meta: PostsMetaModel;
data: PostByIdBasicModel[];
class PostsMetaModel {
pagination: {
totalItems: number;
nextPageStartsAfter: string;
lastCommentCreateTimestamp: string;
class PostByIdBasicModel {
id: string;
userId: string;
discussionId: string;
anonymousNickname: string;
content: string;
repliesCount: number;
replyId: string;
reactions: ReactionModel[];
reactionsCount: number;
reports: ReportModel[];
reportsCount: number;
versions: VersionsModel[];
privatePost: boolean;
deleted: boolean;
deletedAt: string;
deletedBy: string;
moderated: boolean;
moderatedAt: string;
moderatedBy: string;
moderatedReason: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
class ReactionModel {
id: string;
userIds: string[];
reactionCount: number;
class VersionsModel {
updatedAt: string;
content: string;
class ReportModel {
public userId: string;
public reason: ReportReasonType;
public reasonDetails: string;
type ReportReasonType =
| "SPAM"
| "AD"
| "OTHER";
Posts for specific discussion full model (meta and data)
class PostsFullModel {
meta: PostsMetaModel;
data: PostByIdFullModel[];
class PostsMetaModel {
pagination: {
totalItems: number;
nextPageStartsAfter: string;
lastCommentCreateTimestamp: string;
class PostByIdFullModel {
id: string;
userId: string;
userModel: ProfileModel;
anonymousNickname: string;
discussionId: string;
content: string;
repliesCount: number;
replyId: string;
reactions: ReactionModel[];
reactionsCount: number;
reports: ReportModel[];
reportsCount: number;
versions: VersionsModel[];
privatePost: boolean;
deleted: boolean;
deletedAt: string;
deletedBy: string;
moderated: boolean;
moderatedAt: string;
moderatedBy: string;
moderatedReason: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
class ReactionModel {
id: string;
userIds: string[];
reactionCount: number;
class VersionsModel {
updatedAt: string;
content: string;
class ReportModel {
public userId: string;
public reason: ReportReasonType;
public reasonDetails: string;
type ReportReasonType =
| "SPAM"
| "AD"
| "OTHER";
Posts for multiple discussions model (meta and data)
class PostsModel {
meta: MetaModel; // See MetaModel in Generig Models section
data: PostByIdBasicModel[];
class PostByIdBasicModel {
id: string;
userId: string;
discussionId: string;
anonymousNickname: string;
content: string;
repliesCount: number;
replyId: string;
reactions: ReactionModel[];
reactionsCount: number;
reports: ReportModel[];
reportsCount: number;
versions: VersionsModel[];
privatePost: boolean;
deleted: boolean;
deletedAt: string;
deletedBy: string;
moderated: boolean;
moderatedAt: string;
moderatedBy: string;
moderatedReason: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
class ReactionModel {
id: string;
userIds: string[];
reactionCount: number;
class VersionsModel {
updatedAt: string;
content: string;
class ReportModel {
userId: string;
reason: ReportReasonType;
reasonDetails: string;
type ReportReasonType =
| "SPAM"
| "AD"
| "OTHER";
Configuration model
class DiscussionsConfigModel {
enabled: boolean;
clientId: string;
automaticModeration: AutomaticModerationModel;
class AutomaticModerationModel {
enabled: boolean;
moderateLinks: boolean;
linksWhitelist: string[];
moderatorProfileId: string;
dictionary: DictionaryModel;
class DictionaryModel {
reason: string;
words: string[];
Filters for discussions
type DiscussionsSortTypes =
class DiscussionsFilters {
discussionIds?: string[];
label?: string;
fromDate?: string;
toDate?; string;
fromCount?: string;
toCount?: string;
limit?: number;
startAfter?: string;
sort?: DiscussionsSortTypes;
Filters for top discussions
class TopDiscussionsFilters {
fromDate?: string;
toDate?; string;
entityIds?: string[];
entityType?: string;
limit?: number;
startAfter?: string;
Filters for posts
type PostsSortTypes =
class PostsFilters {
public limit?: number;
public startAfter?: string;
public skipDeleted?: boolean;
public sort?: PostsSortTypes;
Private Leagues models
Private leagues model
class PrivateLeaguesModel {
meta: MetaModel; // Same Meta model as in Generic models section
data: PrivateLeagueModel[];
Private league model
class PrivateLeagueModel {
id: string;
name: string;
description: string;
type: string;
members: string[];
banned: string[];
invites: string[];
administrators: string[];
invitationCode: string;
templateId: string;
templateModel: TemplateModel;
pastTemplates: PastTemplateModel[];
usersCanInviteUsers: boolean;
scoringStartsAt: string;
pinnedPosts: string[];
class PastTemplateModel {
id: string;
name: string;
model: TemplateModel;
Accept, join or reject model
class AcceptPrivateLeagueModel {
profileId: string;
profileModel: ProfileModel;
leagueId: string;
leagueModel: PrivateLeagueModel;
message: string;
Private league predictions model
class PrivateLeaguePredictionsModel {
meta: MetaFootballModel; // Same Meta model as in Generic models section
data: PrivateLeaguePredictionModel[];
class PrivateLeaguePredictionModel {
predictionId: string;
predictionModel: PredictionResponseModel;
profileId: string;
profileModel: ProfileModel;
Private league rankings model
class PrivateLeagueRankingsModel {
templateId: string;
templateModel: TemplateModel;
privateLeagueId: string;
privateLeagueModel: PrivateLeagueModel;
position: string;
points: number;
type: string;
Private league filters
Private league filters model
class PrivateLeagueFilters {
limit?: number;
page?: number;
leagueId?: string;
templateId?: string;
sortOrder?: string;
Private league invitations filters model
class InvitationFilters {
limit?: number;
startAfter?: string;
Private league posts filters model
class PrivateLeaguePostsFilters {
limit?: number;
startAfter?: string;
reportsCount?: number;
Private league predictions filters model
class PrivateLeaguePredictionsFilters {
limit?: number;
page?: number;
profileIds?: string[];
Challenges models
Accept, join or reject model
class AcceptChallengeModel {
profileId: string;
profileModel: ProfileModel;
challengeId: string;
challengeModel: PrivateLeagueModel;
message: string;
Challenge rankings model
class ChallengeRankingsModel {
templateId: string;
templateModel: TemplateModel;
challengeId: string;
challengeModel: PrivateLeagueModel;
position: string;
points: number;
type: string;
Challenge filters
Challenge filters model
class ChallengeFilters {
limit?: number;
page?: number;
challengeId?: string;
templateId?: string;
sortOrder?: string;
Mini-Games models
Classic Quizzes model
class ClassicQuizzesModel {
meta: MetaModel; // Same Meta model as in Generic models section
data: ClassicQuizBasicModel[];
class ClassicQuizBasicModel {
id: string;
title: string;
description: string | null;
type: string | null;
images: ImagesModel | null; // Same Images model as in 'List of games' subsection
participationCount: number;
questionsCount: number;
status: string;
authRequirement: "FREE" | "LEAD" | "REGISTERED" | null;
flags: string[] | null;
customFields: Record<string, string> | null;
labels: Record<string, string> | null;
time: number | null;
averageScore: number;
perfectScore: number;
points: number;
scored: boolean;
maxAttempts: number | null;
adContent: string | null;
context: MiniGamesContext | null;
branding: BrandingModel | null;
related: RelatedEntityRelationship[] | null;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
class RelatedEntityRelationship {
entityId: string;
entityType: RelatedEntityType;
entityRelationship: RelatedEntityRelationshipType;
type RelatedEntityType =
| "game"
| "template"
| "classic_quiz"
| "either_or"
| "match_quiz"
| "top_x"
| "bracket"
| "standing"
| "poll"
| "bracket"
| "standing";
type RelatedEntityRelationshipType =
| "translatedTo"
| "translatedFrom"
| "relatedTo"
| "blocks"
| "blockedBy"
| "nextInSeries"
| "previousInSeries"
| "bonusPointsGame";
class MiniGamesContext {
content: ContentModel | null; // Same ContentModel as in 'Activity response' subsection
tags: MiniGamesContextTag[];
campaign: CampaignModel | null; // Same CampaignModel as in 'Activity response' subsection
class MiniGamesContextTag {
id: string;
model: CompetitionBasicModel | TeamBasicModel | PlayerBasicModel;
source: string;
type: string;
Classic Quiz by ID model
class ClassicQuizFullModel {
id: string;
title: string;
description: string | null;
images: ImagesModel | null; // Same Images model as in 'List of games' subsection
participationCount: number;
questionsCount: number;
status: string;
authRequirement: "FREE" | "LEAD" | "REGISTERED" | null;
flags: string[] | null;
adContent: string | null;
context: MiniGamesContext | null;
rules: string | null;
customFields: Record<string, string> | null;
labels: Record<string, string> | null;
time: number | null;
averageScore: number;
perfectScore: number;
points: number | null;
scored: boolean;
maxAttempts: number | null;
questions: ClassicQuizQuestionModel[];
branding: BrandingModel | null;
related: RelatedEntityRelationship[] | null;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
class RelatedEntityRelationship {
entityId: string;
entityType: RelatedEntityType;
entityRelationship: RelatedEntityRelationshipType;
type RelatedEntityType =
| "game"
| "template"
| "classic_quiz"
| "either_or"
| "match_quiz"
| "top_x"
| "bracket"
| "standing"
| "poll"
| "bracket"
| "standing";
type RelatedEntityRelationshipType =
| "translatedTo"
| "translatedFrom"
| "relatedTo"
| "blocks"
| "blockedBy"
| "nextInSeries"
| "previousInSeries"
| "bonusPointsGame";
class MiniGamesContext {
content: ContentModel | null; // Same ContentModel as in 'Activity response' subsection
tags: MiniGamesContextTag[];
campaign: CampaignModel | null; // Same CampaignModel as in 'Activity response' subsection
class MiniGamesContextTag {
id: string;
model: CompetitionBasicModel | TeamBasicModel | PlayerBasicModel;
source: string;
type: string;
class ClassicQuizQuestionModel {
questionId: number;
question: string;
images: MiniGameImages | null;
embedCode: string | null;
explanation: string | null;
options: ClassicQuizOptionModel[];
class ClassicQuizOptionModel {
optionId: number;
option: string;
images: MiniGameImages | null;
class MiniGameImages {
main: string | null;
mobile: string | null;
Classic Quiz participation param body model
class ClassicQuizParticipationBodyModel {
questionId: number;
optionId: number;
Classic Quiz participation model
class ClassicQuizParticipationModel {
classicQuizId: string;
userId: string;
questions: ClassicQuizParticipationQuestionModel[];
correctOptions: number;
points: number;
attempts: number;
class ClassicQuizParticipationQuestionModel {
questionId: number;
optionId: number;
correct: boolean;
correctOptionId: number;
Classic Quiz user participation model
class ClassicQuizUserParticipation {
classicQuizId: string;
classicQuizModel: ClassicQuizBasicModel;
correct: number;
classicQuizQuestions: number;
personalBest: number;
points: number;
answers: ClassicQuizParticipationQuestionModel[];
Classic Quiz leaderboard model
class ClassicQuizzesLeaderboardModel {
meta: ClassicQuizLeaderboardMeta;
data: ClassicQuizRankModel[];
class ClassicQuizLeaderboardMeta {
pagination: PaginationFootballProperties;
filters: ClassicQuizFiltersMeta;
class ClassicQuizFiltersMeta {
classicQuizIds: string;
class ClassicQuizRankModel {
position: number;
profileId: string;
profileModel: ProfileModel;
points: number;
Classic Quiz user rankings model
class ClassicQuizUserRankModel {
meta: MetaFootballModel;
data: ClassicQuizUserRank[];
class ClassicQuizUserRank {
position: number;
classicQuizId: string;
classicQuizModel: ClassicQuizBasicModel;
points: number;
Classic Quiz results summary model
class ResultsSummaryModel {
questions: number;
correctAnswers: number;
Classic Quiz participations filters
class ClassicQuizLeaderboardFilters {
limit?: number;
page?: number;
classicQuizIds?: string[];
Classic Quiz user rankings filters
class ClassicQuizRankFilters {
limit?: number;
page?: number;
Mini Games filters
class MiniGamesFilters {
limit?: number;
startAfter: string;
flags?: string[];
status?: string;
entityIds?: string[];
entityType?: string;
sort?: string;
groupByStatus?: boolean;
language?: string;
Either/Ors model
class EitherOrsModel {
meta: MetaModel; // Same Meta model as in Generic models section
data: EitherOrBasicModel[];
class EitherOrBasicModel {
id: string;
title: string;
description: string | null;
images: ImagesModel | null;
flags: string[] | null;
status: string;
authRequirement: "FREE" | "LEAD" | "REGISTERED" | null;
winningCondition: string;
lives: number;
time: number;
points: EitherOrPointsModel[];
customFields: Record<string, string> | null;
labels: Record<string, string> | null;
type: string | null;
adContent: string | null;
context: MiniGamesContext | null;
branding: BrandingModel | null;
related: RelatedEntityRelationship[] | null;
totalParticipationsCount: number;
totalUsersCount: number;
finishedParticipationsCount: number;
averageStartedParticipationsCount: number;
averageFinishedParticipationsCount: number;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
class RelatedEntityRelationship {
entityId: string;
entityType: RelatedEntityType;
entityRelationship: RelatedEntityRelationshipType;
type RelatedEntityType =
| "game"
| "template"
| "classic_quiz"
| "either_or"
| "match_quiz"
| "top_x"
| "bracket"
| "standing"
| "poll"
| "bracket"
| "standing";
type RelatedEntityRelationshipType =
| "translatedTo"
| "translatedFrom"
| "relatedTo"
| "blocks"
| "blockedBy"
| "nextInSeries"
| "previousInSeries"
| "bonusPointsGame";
class EitherOrPointsModel {
correctSteps: number;
score: number;
class MiniGamesContext {
content: ContentModel | null; // Same ContentModel as in 'Activity response' subsection
tags: MiniGamesContextTag[];
campaign: CampaignModel | null; // Same CampaignModel as in 'Activity response' subsection
class MiniGamesContextTag {
id: string;
model: CompetitionBasicModel | TeamBasicModel | PlayerBasicModel;
source: string;
type: string;
Either/Or by ID model
class EitherOrFullModel {
id: string;
title: string;
description: string | null;
images: ImagesModel | null;
flags: string[] | null;
status: string;
authRequirement: "FREE" | "LEAD" | "REGISTERED" | null;
winningCondition: string;
lives: number;
time: number;
points: EitherOrPointsModel[];
customFields: Record<string, string> | null;
labels: Record<string, string> | null;
rules: string | null;
adContent: string | null;
type: string | null;
adContent: string | null;
context: MiniGamesContext | null;
branding: BrandingModel | null;
related: RelatedEntityRelationship[] | null;
totalParticipationsCount: number;
totalUsersCount: number;
finishedParticipationsCount: number;
averageStartedParticipationsCount: number;
averageFinishedParticipationsCount: number;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
class RelatedEntityRelationship {
entityId: string;
entityType: RelatedEntityType;
entityRelationship: RelatedEntityRelationshipType;
type RelatedEntityType =
| "game"
| "template"
| "classic_quiz"
| "either_or"
| "match_quiz"
| "top_x"
| "bracket"
| "standing"
| "poll"
| "bracket"
| "standing";
type RelatedEntityRelationshipType =
| "translatedTo"
| "translatedFrom"
| "relatedTo"
| "blocks"
| "blockedBy"
| "nextInSeries"
| "previousInSeries"
| "bonusPointsGame";
class EitherOrPointsModel {
correctSteps: number;
score: number;
class MiniGamesContext {
content: ContentModel | null; // Same ContentModel as in 'Activity response' subsection
tags: MiniGamesContextTag[];
campaign: CampaignModel | null; // Same CampaignModel as in 'Activity response' subsection
class MiniGamesContextTag {
id: string;
model: CompetitionBasicModel | TeamBasicModel | PlayerBasicModel;
source: string;
type: string;
Either/Or statistics
class EitherOrStatsModel {
public eitherOrId: string;
public personalBest: number;
public betterThan: number;
Either/Or results model
class EitherOrResultsModel {
standings: EitherOrResultsStandingsModel[];
breakdown: EitherOrResultsBreakdownModel[];
class EitherOrResultsStandingsModel {
userId: string;
userModel: ProfileModel;
personalBest: string;
class EitherOrResultsBreakdownModel {
rangeStartInclusive: number;
rangeEndInclusive: number;
totalUsers: number;
Either/Or user participation model
class EitherOrParticipationModel {
instanceId: string;
eitherOrId: string;
gameStartedAt: string;
currentStep: number;
currentStreak: number;
remainingSteps: number;
currentLives: number;
currentPoints: number;
personalBest: number;
participationCount: number;
finishedParticipationsCount: number;
steps: EitherOrParticipationStepsModel[];
class EitherOrParticipationStepsModel {
pairId: string;
userSelection: string;
correct: boolean;
played: boolean;
timestamp: string;
optionOne: EitherOrParticipationStepsOptionModel;
optionTwo: EitherOrParticipationStepsOptionModel;
Voting models
Polls model
class PollsModel {
meta: MetaModel; // Same Meta model as in Generic models section
data: PollBasicModel[];
class PollBasicModel {
id: string;
title: string;
description: string | null;
type: string | null;
images: ImagesModel | null; // Same Images model as in 'List of games' subsection
status: string;
authRequirement: "FREE" | "LEAD" | "REGISTERED" | null;
flags: string[] | null;
customFields: Record<string, string> | null;
labels: Record<string, string> | null;
totalVotes: number;
adContent: string | null;
options: PollOptionModel[];
context: ContextModel | null; // Same as ContextModel as in 'Activity models'
branding: BrandingModel | null;
embedCode: string | null;
related: RelatedEntityRelationship[] | null;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
class RelatedEntityRelationship {
entityId: string;
entityType: RelatedEntityType;
entityRelationship: RelatedEntityRelationshipType;
type RelatedEntityType =
| "game"
| "template"
| "classic_quiz"
| "either_or"
| "match_quiz"
| "top_x"
| "bracket"
| "standing"
| "poll"
| "bracket"
| "standing";
type RelatedEntityRelationshipType =
| "translatedTo"
| "translatedFrom"
| "relatedTo"
| "blocks"
| "blockedBy"
| "nextInSeries"
| "previousInSeries"
| "bonusPointsGame";
class PollOptionModel {
id: string;
title: string;
description: string | null;
images: ImagesModel | null; // Same Images model as in 'List of games' subsection
votes: number;
Poll by ID model
class PollFullModel {
id: string;
title: string;
description: string | null;
type: string | null;
images: ImagesModel | null; // Same Images model as in 'List of games' subsection
status: string;
authRequirement: "FREE" | "LEAD" | "REGISTERED" | null;
flags: string[] | null;
customFields: Record<string, string> | null;
labels: Record<string, string> | null;
totalVotes: number;
rules: string | null;
adContent: string | null;
options: PollOptionModel[];
context: ContextModel | null; // Same as ContextModel as in 'Activity models'
branding: BrandingModel | null;
embedCode: string | null;
related: RelatedEntityRelationship[] | null;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
class RelatedEntityRelationship {
entityId: string;
entityType: RelatedEntityType;
entityRelationship: RelatedEntityRelationshipType;
type RelatedEntityType =
| "game"
| "template"
| "classic_quiz"
| "either_or"
| "match_quiz"
| "top_x"
| "bracket"
| "standing"
| "poll"
| "bracket"
| "standing";
type RelatedEntityRelationshipType =
| "translatedTo"
| "translatedFrom"
| "relatedTo"
| "blocks"
| "blockedBy"
| "nextInSeries"
| "previousInSeries"
| "bonusPointsGame";
class PollOptionModel {
id: string;
title: string;
description: string | null;
images: ImagesModel | null; // Same Images model as in 'List of games' subsection
votes: number;
Voting for poll model
class PollVoteBasicModel {
id: string;
pollId: string;
optionId: string;
userId: string;
Poll user vote model
class PollVoteFullModel {
id: string;
pollId: string;
pollModel: PollBasicModel;
optionId: string;
optionModel: PollOptionModel;
userId: string;
Polls user votes model
class PollsModel {
meta: MetaModel; // Same Meta model as in Generic models section
data: PollVoteFullModel[];
class PollVoteFullModel {
id: string;
pollId: string;
pollModel: PollBasicModel;
optionId: string;
optionModel: PollOptionModel;
userId: string;
Polls filters
class PollsFilters {
limit?: number;
startAfter?: string;
flags?: string[];
status?: string;
entityIds?: string[];
entityType?: string;
pollIds?: string[];
sortOrder?: string;
minVotes?: number;
language?: string;
Player of the match (PoTM) user vote model
class PotmUserVotesResponseModel {
meta: MetaModel;
data: PotmUserVotesModel[];
class MetaModel {
pagination: MetaProperties;
class MetaProperties {
nextPageStartsAfter: string | null;
itemsPerPage: number;
class PotmUserVotesModel {
matchId: string;
matchModel: MatchBasicModel | null;
playerId: string;
playerModel: PlayerBasicModel | null;
createdAt: string;
Player of the match (PoTM) results model
class PotmResultsResponseModel {
meta: PotmResultsMetaModel;
data: PotmResultsModel[];
class PotmResultsMetaModel {
total: number;
class PotmResultsModel {
teamId: string;
teamModel: TeamBasicModel | null;
playerId: string;
playerModel: PlayerBasicModel | null;
votes: number;
winner: boolean;
Player of the match (PoTM) user votes filters
class PotmUserVotesFilters {
limit?: number;
startAfter?: string;
matchIds?: string[];
Fantasy models
Configuration model
class FantasyConfigModel {
enabled: boolean;
clientId: string;
addPointsToProfileTotal: boolean;
coefficients: FantasyCoefficientsModel;
players: FantasyPlayersModel;
competitionsWhitelist: string[];
Players points model
class FantasyPlayersPointsModel {
meta: FantasyPlayersMetaModel;
data: PlayerPointsModel[];
class FantasyPlayersMetaModel {
filters: PlayersPointsFilters;
class PlayersPointsFilters {
templateId: string;
class PlayerPointsModel {
playerId: string;
playerModel: PlayerBasicModel;
points: number;
rank: number;
Player detailed statistics and points
class FantasyPlayerDetailedStatsModel {
meta: FantasyPlayerDetailedStatsMetaModel;
data: PlayerDetailedStatsModel[];
class FantasyPlayerDetailedStatsMetaModel {
filters: PlayerDetailedStatsFilters;
class PlayerDetailedStatsFilters {
templateId: string;
playerId: string;
class PlayerDetailedStatsModel {
matchId: string;
matchModel: MatchBasicModel;
points: PlayerDetailedPointsModel;
stats: PlayerStatsMatchModel;
class PlayerDetailedPointsModel {
total: number;
minutesPlayed: number;
yellowCards: number;
redCards: number;
goals: number;
penaltyGoals: number;
ownGoals: number;
assists: number;
cleanSheets: number;
shots: number;
shotsOn: number;
offsides: number;
foulsCommitted: number;
penaltyCommitted: number;
penaltyWon: number;
penaltyMissed: number;
tackles: number;
concededGoals: number;
caughtBall: number;
saves: number;
class PlayerStatsMatchModel {
minutesPlayed: number;
yellowCards: number;
redCards: number;
goals: number;
penaltyGoals: number;
penaltyCommitted: number;
penaltyWon: number;
penaltyMissed: number;
penaltySaved: number;
penaltyReceived: number;
ownGoals: number;
assists: number;
cleanSheets: number;
shots: number;
shotsOn: number;
shotsBlocked: number;
offsides: number;
foulsCommitted: number;
foulsWon: number;
tackles: number;
tacklesBlocks: number;
tacklesInterceptions: number;
concededGoals: number;
caughtBall: number;
saves: number;
passes: number;
crosses: number;
interceptions: number;
keyPasses: number;
passesAccuracy: number;
duels: number;
duelsWon: number;
dribblesAttempts: number;
dribblesSuccess: number;
dribblesPast: number;
Id Mapping models
Mapping response model
class MappingResponseModel {
meta: MappingModel;
data: MappingModel[];
class MappingModel {
input: string;
output: string;
Bracket game models
Bracket games model
class BracketGamesModel {
meta: MetaModel;
data: BracketGameModel[];
class MetaModel {
pagination: MetaProperties;
class MetaProperties {
nextPageStartsAfter: string | null;
itemsPerPage: number;
class BracketGameModel {
id: string;
title: string;
description: string;
rules: string | null;
customFields: Record<string, string> | null;
images: ImagesModel | null;
type: string = "BRACKET";
status: GameStatusEnum;
points: number;
related: RelatedEntityRelationship[];
tiebreaker: BracketGameTiebreakerModel | null;
predictionsCutoff: string | null;
meta: BracketGameMetaModel;
fixtures: BracketGameFixturesModel;
class ImagesModel {
main: string | null;
cover: string | null;
mobile: string | null;
class RelatedEntityRelationship {
entityId: string;
entityType: RelatedEntityType;
entityRelationship: RelatedEntityRelationshipType;
type RelatedEntityType =
| "game"
| "template"
| "classic_quiz"
| "either_or"
| "match_quiz"
| "top_x"
| "bracket"
| "standing"
| "poll"
| "bracket"
| "standing";
type RelatedEntityRelationshipType =
| "translatedTo"
| "translatedFrom"
| "relatedTo"
| "blocks"
| "blockedBy"
| "nextInSeries"
| "previousInSeries"
| "bonusPointsGame";
class BracketGameTiebreakerModel {
statTiebreakerEnabled: boolean;
statTotal: number;
class BracketGameMetaModel {
participants: BracketGameMetaParticipantsModel[];
class BracketGameMetaParticipantsModel {
id: string;
name: string;
group: string | null;
image: string | null;
undecided: boolean;
class BracketGameFixturesModel {
matchId: string;
participantOne: string;
participantTwo: string;
winner: string | null;
homeParticipant: string | null;
startDate: string;
score: BracketGameFixtureScoreModel;
class BracketGameFixtureScoreModel {
participantOne: string | null;
participantTwo: string | null;
Bracket game model
class BracketGameModel {
id: string;
title: string;
description: string;
rules: string | null;
customFields: Record<string, string> | null;
images: ImagesModel | null;
type: string = "BRACKET";
status: GameStatusEnum;
points: number;
related: RelatedEntityRelationship[];
tiebreaker: BracketGameTiebreakerModel | null;
predictionsCutoff: string | null;
meta: BracketGameMetaModel;
fixtures: BracketGameFixturesModel;
class ImagesModel {
main: string | null;
cover: string | null;
mobile: string | null;
class RelatedEntityRelationship {
entityId: string;
entityType: RelatedEntityType;
entityRelationship: RelatedEntityRelationshipType;
type RelatedEntityType =
| "game"
| "template"
| "classic_quiz"
| "either_or"
| "match_quiz"
| "top_x"
| "bracket"
| "standing"
| "poll"
| "bracket"
| "standing";
type RelatedEntityRelationshipType =
| "translatedTo"
| "translatedFrom"
| "relatedTo"
| "blocks"
| "blockedBy"
| "nextInSeries"
| "previousInSeries"
| "bonusPointsGame";
class BracketGameTiebreakerModel {
statTiebreakerEnabled: boolean;
statTotal: number;
class BracketGameMetaModel {
participants: BracketGameMetaParticipantsModel[];
class BracketGameMetaParticipantsModel {
id: string;
name: string;
group: string | null;
image: string | null;
undecided: boolean;
class BracketGameFixturesModel {
matchId: string;
participantOne: string;
participantTwo: string;
winner: string | null;
homeParticipant: string | null;
startDate: string;
score: BracketGameFixtureScoreModel;
class BracketGameFixtureScoreModel {
participantOne: string | null;
participantTwo: string | null;
Bracket game prediction request model
class BracketGamePredictionRequestBody {
predictions: BracketGamePredictions[];
tiebreaker: BracketGameTiebreaker | null;
class BracketGamePredictions {
matchId: string;
participantOne: string;
participantTwo: string;
winner: BracketWinnerEnum;
enum BracketWinnerEnum {
class BracketGameTiebreaker {
statTotal: number;
Bracket game prediction response model
class BracketGamePredictionModel {
id: string;
profileId: string;
profileModel: ProfileModel | null;
gameId: string;
totalPoints: number | null;
gamePoints: number | null;
bonusPoints: number | null;
position: number | null;
status: "ACTIVE" | "SETTLED";
fixtures: BracketGamePredictionFixturesModel[];
tiebreaker: BracketGameTiebreaker;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
class BracketGamePredictionFixturesModel {
matchId: string;
participantOne: string;
participantTwo: string;
winner: BracketWinnerEnum;
correct: boolean | null;
enum BracketWinnerEnum {
class BracketGameTiebreaker {
statTotal: number;
Bracket game predictions response model
class BracketGamePredictionsModel {
meta: MetaModel;
data: BracketGamePredictionModel[];
class MetaModel {
pagination: MetaProperties;
class MetaProperties {
nextPageStartsAfter: string;
itemsPerPage: number;
class BracketGamePredictionModel {
id: string;
profileId: string;
profileModel: ProfileModel | null;
gameId: string;
totalPoints: number | null;
gamePoints: number | null;
bonusPoints: number | null;
position: number | null;
status: "ACTIVE" | "SETTLED";
fixtures: BracketGamePredictionFixturesModel[];
tiebreaker: BracketGameTiebreaker;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
class BracketGamePredictionFixturesModel {
matchId: string;
participantOne: string;
participantTwo: string;
winner: BracketWinnerEnum;
correct: boolean | null;
enum BracketWinnerEnum {
class BracketGameTiebreaker {
statTotal: number;
Bracket game rankings response model
class BracketGameRankingsModel {
meta: MetaModel;
data: BracketGamePredictionModel[];
class MetaModel {
pagination: MetaProperties;
class MetaProperties {
nextPageStartsAfter: string;
itemsPerPage: number;
class BracketGamePredictionModel {
id: string;
profileId: string;
profileModel: ProfileModel | null;
gameId: string;
totalPoints: number | null;
gamePoints: number | null;
bonusPoints: number | null;
position: number | null;
status: "ACTIVE" | "SETTLED";
fixtures: BracketGamePredictionFixturesModel[];
tiebreaker: BracketGameTiebreaker;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
class BracketGamePredictionFixturesModel {
matchId: string;
participantOne: string;
participantTwo: string;
winner: BracketWinnerEnum;
correct: boolean | null;
enum BracketWinnerEnum {
class BracketGameTiebreaker {
statTotal: number;
Bracket game filters
class BracketGamePredictionsFilters {
limit?: number;
startAfter?: string;
status?: GameStatusEnum;
sortOrder?: SortOrder;
enum GameStatusEnum {
type SortOrder = "asc" | "desc";
Bracket game predictions filters
class BracketGamePredictionsFilters {
limit?: number;
startAfter?: string;
Bracket game rankings filters
class BracketGameRankingsFilters {
limit?: number;
startAfter?: string;
Lists models
List content model
class ListContentResponseModel {
meta: MetaFootballModel;
data: ListContentModel[];
class MetaFootballModel {
pagination: PaginationFootballProperties;
class PaginationFootballProperties {
currentPage: number;
itemsPerPage: number;
totalItems: number;
numberOfPages: number;
class ListContentModel {
entityId: string;
entityType: ListEntityType;
entityModel: ListEntityModelMap[ListEntityType] | null;
type ListEntityType =
| "POLL"
| "TOP_X"
type ListEntityModelMap = {
CLASSIC_QUIZ: ClassicQuizBasicModel;
EITHER_OR: EitherOrBasicModel;
POLL: PollBasicModel;
TOP_X: GamesListModel;
MATCH_QUIZ: GamesListModel;
List content filters
class ListContentFilters {
limit?: number;
page?: number;
Updated 11 days ago